On times square were supporters of the transgender in the us army

On times square were supporters of the transgender in the us army

Last night, July 26, at times square gathered more than a thousand people who do not agree with the decision of Donald trump banning transgender people to serve in the U.S. Armed forces .

We will remind, on Wednesday, the President decided to publish in his Twitter statement that “the United States government will not allow or will not allow transgender people in any capacity, to serve in the Armed forces of the United States”.

According to trump, U.S. military forces should focus on “decisive and stunning victory” and not to spend money on medical bills of transgender people.

As is often the case, his tweets have caused a wide resonance in the Internet community, but there were also those who decided to Express their discontent offline.

New York protesters wielding banners reading Resist («Resist») and We are the object («transfer»), gathered outside an army recruitment center in times square, where they chanted their slogans.

They believe that the President’s decision violates the civil rights of all transgender people.

“I served my country. I fought for the rich and the poor. And I can’t believe what our President said. I’m impressed. I do not interfere with the government of his service in the army. I do not interfere with the military — I don’t believe the hype,” said a transgender woman , Tanya Walker.

“I want the same transgender among youth, as I was, knew that when they grow up, they will have every opportunity they choose,” said Hannah Simpson.

A contingent of protesters were quite diverse: trump’s tweets are not relished as members of the LGBT community, among whom were veterans, representatives of municipal authorities.

For example, such members of the city Council of new York, as speaker Melissa mark-Viverito, the majority leader Jimmy van Brahmer, Treasurer Scott stringer, a Democrat from the 3rd district Corey Johnson, a Democrat from the 13th district James Vacca, as well as Senator brad Hoylman, Assembly member Richard Gottfried and the President borough of Manhattan Gale brewer made their speeches at a podium with a microphone and a mouthpiece.

Queens Councilmember @JimmyVanBramer calling @realDonaldTrump a bully #NoTransBan #nyc pic.twitter.com/O0AFPkFwB6

— Equality NY (@EqualityNewYork) July 26, 2017

«The city Council member from Queens, Jimmy van Brahmer calls Donald trump a bully».

CM VanBremer also notes that his husband served in the military and was dishonorably discharged for being gay

— Equality NY (@EqualityNewYork) July 26, 2017

«Van Brahmer also said that his husband was in the army and was disgracefully dismissed because he is gay.»

Manhattan BP @galeabrewer says that the Trump WH is filled with weak men who are afraid of the real America #NoTransBan pic.twitter.com/6dpMcLcFCR

— Equality NY (@EqualityNewYork) July 26, 2017

«The President borough of Manhattan Gale brewer says trompowsky White house is full of weak men who are afraid of the real America.»

“They should be afraid of us, because we’re going to go to the ballot box and to expel them from work. We should call it what it is: bigotry and discrimination. We are outraged, but we are United and we will never stop fighting,” said Gale brewer.

Not left out and human rights organizations like Equality New York, GLAAD, New York Civil Liberties Union, Black Lives Matter, The TrevorProject, Lambda Legal, Gays Against Guns, whose representatives took an active part in the protest.

Representative from @LambdaLegal Trump promises to sue if/when he uses Twitter to discriminate against the #LGBT community. pic.twitter.com/wjLnbJVnej

— Equality NY (@EqualityNewYork) July 26, 2017

«A representative of Lambda Legal has vowed to sue trump if/when he uses Twitter for the discrimination of LGBT people».

Activist Peter Yacobellis shares his story of being kicked out of the military for being gay #NoTransBan pic.twitter.com/nC9Vs0kvNT

— Equality NY (@EqualityNewYork) July 26, 2017

«Activist Peter Yacobellis shares his story that he was expelled from the army for being gay».

#GaysAgainstGuns now singing «God Help America» #NoTransBan pic.twitter.com/F1kr2iFPD2

— Equality NY (@EqualityNewYork) July 26, 2017

«Representatives of the Gays Against Guns now sing God Help America».

It is worth noting that in cities like San Francisco and Portland decided to follow the example of new York and also organized a March against the proposed ban.

Emergency Protest in San Francisco Against Trump’s Trans Ban#transmilitarybanhttps://t.co/85zqDQxdvK pic.twitter.com/0R1PvbT0mo

— (((BrokeAssStuart))) (@BrokeAssStuart) July 26, 2017

«Emergency protest in San Francisco against the presidential ban on transgender.»
