What gets in the list «symbols of hatred» in new York

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After the tragic events in Charlottesville, where there were clashes between neo-Nazi groups and their opponents, in many cities of the United States dismantle monuments to leaders of the Confederation.

In new York, the mayor bill de Blasio promised that the city will be purged of «symbols of hate». A memorial plaque to General Robert E. Lee had already been removed, there is debate about renaming two streets in Brooklyn. What else would be considered a «symbol of hate»? The answer to this is to give a special Commission, which all have 90 days.

What gets in the list «symbols of hatred» in new York

The speaker of the city Council Melissa mark Viverito believes that the list needs to get 76-foot monument to Christopher Columbus at Columbus Circle.

«He is a controversial figure, and I know many people take offense to such statements. But for us who come from the Caribbean, he is a very controversial figure. We must weigh everything carefully,» says mark Viverito.

She added: the list may be included and the tomb of Ulysses S. Grant because of his anti-Semitic solutions.

Ulysses S. Grant – commander of the northerners during the Civil war, 18th President of the United States. In 1862, he signed the decree that expelled Jews from Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi, but later publicly repented. The question of the Grant channel CBS2 asked the mayor of new York.

I’m at General Grant National Memorial (Grant’s Tomb) — @grantstombnps in New York, NY https://t.co/JTyjlpv2Zx pic.twitter.com/mDfrCk9D7V

— Jeremiah Johnsen (@odieraccoon) July 16, 2017

«I’m not very familiar with this story. We do not tolerate anti-Semitism in new York, but must consider each monument separately. We will have a Commission. They come up with some universal rules,» said bill de Blasio.

Dov Hikind, a Democrat and member of the legislative Assembly of the state of new York believes a little differently.

«Something negative and controversial can be found in any public figure. This does not mean that it is immediately necessary to get rid of,» he says.

CBS2 reporters also asked whether the changed name of new Yorkbecause the city was so named in honor of the Duke of York, future king James II Stuart who had slaves.

Press Secretary of the mayor said: he doubts that the Commission, which will meet next week, will even consider such an idea.

They will only make recommendations and the mayor will make the final decision.
