Scientists have proved that happiness in money

July 25, 2017

«Not in money happiness» — this expression has become popular long ago. However, scientists are somewhat different opinion on this matter. The researchers found that Finance is still able to make you happier indirectly. The point is, it can buy you freedom and time, and in them lies the true joy of life. Suppose you are not enthusiastic about cooking, don’t want his day off to fix leaking faucet, instead…


A teenager in a BMW intentionally ran into a police car, there are victims

July 25, 2017

Sunday, July 23, in the village of Westbury County Nassau police patrol noticed the car, a BMW traveling on Post Avenue. With its rooms from the state of South Carolina had some kind of problem. Police gave the driver the signal to stop. However, he did not listen and even accelerated. Law enforcement officers followed him. In his patrol car, they approached the BMW the driver’s side. He responded quickly…


In 2017 in Chicago seized 5,000 illegal weapons

July 25, 2017

More than 5000 pieces of illegal arms were confiscated on the streets of Chicago since the beginning of this year. It is reported by DNAinfo, citing police data. Statistics show that day, the police seized in Chicago up to 24 illegal weapons. The weapons are seized during 32% of arrests conducted in the town. At the same time, the number of shootings in Chicago has fallen, but the number of…


A new hope: doctors learn to treat HIV

July 25, 2017

A nine year old girl from South Africa born with HIV for more than eight years, lives with no symptoms of the disease after discontinuation of anti-HIV drugs. This case is direct evidence that early treatment can cause long-term remission


Up for sale is a figure of the authorship of Donald trump

July 24, 2017

A small sketch of the skyline of Manhattanmade by the President of the trump offered for auction on Monday with an initial cost of $9,000. Back in 2005 trump was among the celebrities who have donated their drawings for the charity event for the fight against illiteracy. The company he then was Senator John McCain, actress Charlize Theron and former Manager of the baseball club Yankees, Joe Torre. Figure measuring…


Deputy Sheriff fired for Nude selfie in court

July 24, 2017

In Vero Beach, Florida, Deputy Sheriff was fired after it turned out that he was doing selfies half-naked while on duty in the district court. As told to the NY Post, the representative of the Indian River County Eric flowers, it all started with internal investigations concerning the Lieutenant Makina levana completely different issue. During the investigation the investigators at the time seized the mobile phone of Levan, which found…


The battle for supremacy in the ocean: Phelps vs white shark (video)

July 24, 2017

Among people American swimmer Michael Phelps is long gone equal, so 23 times the athlete competed in the swim for 100 metres to the main ocean predator — the white shark. The race took place off the coast of South Africa, in the waters of South Africa and was shown in the framework of the program «Shark Week» on the «Discovery Channel». According to National Geographic, sharks can move at…


Nicolas cage visited Kazakhstan and had become a new meme

July 24, 2017

Hollywood actors rarely attend the post-Soviet countries, but when this happens, the visit makes a real sensation. On Sunday, the network appeared photos of Nicolas cage in national costume of Kazakhstan, which almost instantly turned into a funny meme. The actor visited international Eurasia film festival, which takes place in the capital city Astana, and this visit now the public will remember for a long time. In the photo, the…


In new Jersey caught a 420-pound shark (photo)

July 24, 2017

926-lb (420 kg) Mako shark caught in Brielle, new Jersey, on Saturday, July 22. «She took the entire cockpit (the room in the middle or the aft deck for the helmsman and passengers),» said captain Dave Bender, the owner of the vessel «Jenny Lee», which fished for lovers of «sea hunt». Caught a 12-foot shark 70 pounds heavier than the state record. In 1984 the fishermen of new Jersey caught…


The parents of a terminally ill child refused treatment in the US

July 24, 2017

Parents Charlie Garda withdrew its application for the treatment of their critically ill son in the United States, after new tests showed that the experimental method will not help 11-month-old boy to overcome a deadly illness. Lawyer Grant Armstrong said that Chris Gard and Connie Yates took the difficult decision, having received the results of a survey from the American hospital Great Ormond Street Hospital. Parents say that they wanted…