The world’s oldest manatee died in Florida

July 24, 2017

On Saturday, July 22, employees of The South Florida Museum, Museum of natural and cultural history in Bradenton, found that is widely known and the world’s oldest manatee named Snute died. It happened on the next day after his 69th birthday. Dead Snote found in the underwater aquarium area where you placed the water system. The panel that separates the technical area from the aquarium, which is home to manatees,…


In one of the American companies, employees vmontiruet microchips

July 24, 2017

In Wisconsin , the company is Three Square Market offers its employees a microchip-implants, which can be used to scan the building. It is solely a voluntary decision of each employee, of course, no force «mount» chips in people will not. Now more than 50 people have agreed to this procedure, which is scheduled to hold on August 1. As described in the company, a tiny chip that uses RFID…


From metro new York was kicked out the homeless, when there came down de Blasio

July 24, 2017

Yesterday, July 24, the mayor of new York bill de Blasio rode the subway — from the gym in Park Slope to the West of Brooklyn where he usually trains up to headquarters in the heart of Brooklyn. As reported by the NY Post, the sources in law enforcement bodies, in anticipation of the trip, de Blasio two metro stations «cleared» from the homeless: Fourth Avenue/Ninth Street, and Jay Street/MetroTech…


Man must pay $65,000 child support to a child

July 24, 2017

A man from Texas challenges a court order under which he must pay tens of thousands of dollars of child support on a child who does not even have a father, according to local news service. In 2003 a Texas court to support children decided that the 45-year-old Gabriel Cornejo is obliged to pay the alimony to his ex girlfriend who had recently given birth, because she swore that the…


Civil servant, police robbed a Bank in Manhattan

July 24, 2017

Last week law enforcement officials arrested 27-year-old Kaliszu of Olsten, a civilian employee of the police Department of new York (NYPD), for Bank robbery in the Manhattan quarter Greenwich Village. Moreover, this is not the first time a woman is accused of misappropriation of other people’s money. The first time it «caught on hot» when in may of the same year, Olsten got the check to pay the salaries of…


Jared Kushner made a statement about his contacts with Russia

July 24, 2017

Son-in-law of the President of trump Jared Kushner said that during the election campaign and the presidential election it only four times was in contact with Russian. And none of these contacts can not be called «inappropriate». He added that in June of 2016 he had a conflicting meeting with the Russian-American lawyer, but it was a «waste of time». Jared Kushner announced that he will not conspire with any…


Private Golf clubs, President of the 76 want to hire foreigners

July 24, 2017

Famous private club of Donald trump’s Palm Beach Mar-a-Lago – needs employees. But if you’re an American – get back to work you will be very hard. According to NY Daily News, this week the administration of the club has applied to the opening 70 workers H-2B visas of their foreign employees. And it is in the middle of the week, held under the slogan «Made in America». The applications…


Tons of Nazi gold found on the sunken ship

July 23, 2017

Box with four tons of gold found in the British flooded the ship, bound from South America to Germany in 1939. Ship SS Minden sank 120 miles South-East of Iceland, in its territorial waters. Now representatives of the British company Advanced Marine Services asked for permission from the Icelandic authorities to make the ship a hole to pull the drawer out, reports The Sun. The British believe that the gold…


In the schools of new Jersey officially introduced toilets for transgender people

July 23, 2017

The Governor of new Jersey Chris Christie on Friday signed a law requiring public schools to enter the state of public toilets for transgender people. Students should not be forced to use toilets that were inconsistent with their gender identity, said in the new law. In extreme cases, the school administration needs to be taken «alternative action». A community group advocating for civil rights under the name of Garden State…


People from Brooklyn were protesting against the bar with the design of the «bullet holes»

July 23, 2017

About a hundred people in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, came out to protest yesterday, Saturday, July 22. The protesters have expressed discontent with the new school «Summerhill», the owner of which, Becky Brennan, was chosen for the decor of the bar wall with bullet holes. «That’s not what we need,» he told the Daily News Ayanna Prescott, which all his 30 years he lived in Crown Heights. «The area needs facilities…