The surgeons cut face newborn girl during cesarean section

The baby’s mother was terrified when she found a scar on the face of her newborn daughter, who stayed after doctors accidentally cut her with a scalpel during a cesarean section.

The doctors sent 19-year-old Russian woman Daria Kadochnikova for cesarean section due to improper location of the baby in the womb. The young mother had planned a natural childbirth, but the doctors convinced her that a caesarean section would be safer.

The trouble began from the moment of anesthesia: doctors had to resort to General anesthesia and inject it intravenously because the epidural didn’t work for Daria, and she could still feel the pain from the incision. Waking up, young mother found a deep cut on the cheek of his daughter, under his right eye. According to Russian media, doctors told Daria that her newborn child «was not supposed to move too much» during the procedure.

It is reported that after anesthesia the girl had fever and was prescribed antibiotics. However, at the moment she is feeding your daughter breast.

According to a recent study, 1.5-1.9% of infants were exposed to similar injuries in 900 women undergoing cesarean section. In turn, doctors say that this happens extremely rarely.
