She has pulled a drowning dog from icy pond, rushed at him in a t-shirt

Alina Naumova rushed to the aid of the pet when her dog fell in the pond chasing ducks. The girl waded through the frozen water of the pond in a t-shirt. After she and her dog made it to land, people helped her change and gave her towels.

This striking incident occurred in Russia, Mytishchi, Moscow region, when a young mother was enjoying the walk with her 3 children. Brave woman jumped into the icy pond to rescue their dog that fell into the water, chasing ducks.

The survey, which appeared in the network after the incident, is seen as Alina Naumova sneaks on the frozen pond in nothing but your t-shirt to save the dog.

The woman didn’t hesitate for a second, and using only their own strength, struggled through the water, covered with an ice crust, trying to get closer to your beloved pet. Alina, who works as a paediatrician and working as a gastroenterologist at a local medical center, I tried to swim «breaststroke», then just rowed hands in a desperate attempt to reach the dog. Finally, the woman managed to get close to the pet and to save it. It seemed, still slightly, and the dog would have disappeared under water. When Alina lifted him above the water, his nose barely peeking from the pond.

A few seconds later the woman brought the dog to the shore, while the girls climbed up on the shore, holding each other to help her. They formed a chain to help Aline and to give her a hand.

Later the woman told that her dog ran out onto the ice when he saw the ducks. Alina added: «I couldn’t let my dog drown in front of my eyes while I was just standing around.»

Passers-by helped her change and gave her the towels, the woman added.

She said modestly that he just helped a family member and does not consider his act something unusual.
