Owners under construction in Brooklyn offers visas to foreigners willing to invest in their offspring

April 18, 2019

This year’s planned start of construction of 29-storey hotel complex Marriott in Fort Greene (Brooklyn), the owners of which are ready to offer visas to foreigners who invested in their child $1 million VOS Hospitality, Second Development Services, building a fancy hotel, want to use the American program for immigrants in which the government is ready to issue visas to people supporting and investing in United States companies. Anyone who…


Owners under construction in Brooklyn offers visas to foreigners willing to invest in their offspring

April 18, 2019

This year’s planned start of construction of 29-storey hotel complex Marriott in Fort Greene (Brooklyn), the owners of which are ready to offer visas to foreigners who invested in their child $1 million VOS Hospitality, Second Development Services, building a fancy hotel, want to use the American program for immigrants in which the government is ready to issue visas to people supporting and investing in United States companies. Anyone who…


Owners under construction in Brooklyn offers visas to foreigners willing to invest in their offspring

April 18, 2019

This year plans to begin construction of the 29-storey hotel complex Marriott in Fort Greene (Brooklyn), the owners of which are ready to offer visas to foreigners who invest in their offspring more than $1 million. VOS Hospitality, Second Development Services, which build a luxury hotel, I want to use the American program for immigrants in which the government is ready to issue visas to people supporting and investing in…


Mueller report: collusion with Russia is not identified (updated)

Today, April 18, will be published the report of spectracolor Robert Mueller. On the eve of its transmission to Congress, U.S. attorney General William Barr spoke at a press conference. Here are the main points mentioned by Barr in connection with the report of Muller. Robert Mueller discussed 10 episodes associated with President trump and «obstruction». «After there was no collusion with Russia, the report of the special Prosecutor considers…

April 18, 2019

Owners under construction in Brooklyn offers visas to foreigners willing to invest in their offspring

April 18, 2019

This year’s planned start of construction of 29-storey hotel complex Marriott in Fort Greene (Brooklyn), the owners of which are ready to offer visas to foreigners who invested in their child $1 million VOS Hospitality, Second Development Services, building a fancy hotel, want to use the American program for immigrants in which the government is ready to issue visas to people supporting and investing in United States companies. Anyone who…


Writer Dmitry Bykov is in serious but stable condition

April 18, 2019

Russian writer, literary critic and activist Dmitry Bykov was hospitalized on 16 April in Ufa. Now he is in a medically induced coma. The bulls felt bad for a couple of hours before had to conduct a lecture. Doctors assess his condition as serious but stable. Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova told TASS that the cause was a chronic disease. According to first version, leaked to the media, the opposition had…


An illegal immigrant from Mexico was kidnapped in new Jersey underage girl and made her a sex slave

April 18, 2019

Militiamen of the Ohio, during ordinary inspection of the car on the road, have identified a dangerous criminal who has kidnapped in new Jersey a minor girl. The attacker was an illegal immigrant from Mexico, used a 15-year-old child as a sex slave. The inspection revealed that the transport is controlled by 33-year-old Juan Carlos Morales-Pedraza. He was an illegal immigrant and was previously deported from the United States. Photo:…


Kim Jong-UN is going to Russia at the invitation of Putin, and North Korea no longer wants to deal with Pompeo

The Russian President will meet with the DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN. This was reported in the Kremlin today, April 18. «At the invitation of Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the State Council of the Democratic people’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong-UN will visit Russia on a visit in the second half of April», — stated in the message. In turn on Thursday North Korea declared that it no longer wants to…

April 18, 2019

The justice Department filed charges against 60 of the health workers for trafficking in opioids

April 18, 2019

The U.S. Department of justice (United States Department of Justice – DOJ) issued a press release in which it announced details of a large-scale operation on suppression of illegal trafficking in prescription opioids. The main defendants in this case were 60 medical employees in 5 different States working in the health sector. According to preliminary data, malefactors illegally discharged around 32 million tablets of narcotic drugs and fabricated more than…