An investigation of Navalny’s campaign staff: family of ex-mayor of Khabarovsk owns six homes in California and Washington

April 17, 2019

Family of ex-mayor of Khabarovsk Alexander Sokolov, who headed the city for 18 years, owns six homes in the U.S. worth more than $6 million. This is stated in the investigation of the headquarters of Alexei Navalny in Khabarovsk. Alexander Sokolov. Photo: According to the headquarters of Navalny in Khabarovsk in 2004, the mayor’s wife, Leonora M. Sokolov — bought, Irvine (state of California) $623 thousand and $156 thousand…


Two days collected over $1 billion in donations for the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

April 17, 2019

The whole world watched in horror for a fire that broke out in the Cathedral of Notre Dame April 15, and when struck the spire — a symbol of Notre Dame, the experts began to Express the irreparable loss. But after only two days were collected the incredible sum — about $1 billion. The money was donated as ordinary believers, and millionaires. And on Wednesday, April 17, near the Cathedral…


Two days collected over $1 billion in donations for the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

April 17, 2019

The whole world watched in horror for a fire that broke out in the Cathedral of Notre Dame April 15, and when struck the spire — a symbol of Notre Dame, the experts began to Express the irreparable loss. But after only two days were collected the incredible sum — about $1 billion. The money was donated as ordinary believers, and millionaires. And on Wednesday, April 17, near the Cathedral…


Police are searching for the man who took a vintage guitar for $2300 left unattended on the sidewalk in Brooklyn

April 17, 2019

Two weeks ago, Brooklyn 29-year-old man left a vintage guitar on the sidewalk unattended for 15 minutes, and came back and found that she was missing. The incident occurred on March 3 around 11:40 near Prospect Place in Brownsville. Stolen guitar (NYPD). The owner told police that he parked and got out of the car near 401 Saratoga Ave, put his guitar on the ground and left. After a while,…


The FBI is looking for the girl, «passionate» about the shooting to Columbine, she bought weapons and ammunition

April 17, 2019

Today, April 17, in Denver (Colorado) and surrounding area schools will be closed, since law enforcers are searching for an armed girl, «passionate» about the mass shooting at the school «Columbine» in 1999. 20th anniversary of the tragedy coming a few days. The police and FBI are searching for 18-year-old Sol Pais. According to special agent Dean Phillips, she made certain threats after a trip to Denver Monday night, and…


Tower of the world trade center will be lit the colors of the French flag in connection with a fire in Notre-Dame de Paris

One of the most iconic buildings of new York city – world trade center — will tonight light up the colors of the French flag, as a sign of support after the fire that severely damaged the legendary Notre Dame Cathedral. Thus, the authorities in new York want to pay tribute to the victim of the legendary monument. «Our hearts ached when we watched the devastating fire, destroying one of…

April 17, 2019

In the US the Church has apologized for a video in which children spit on the assistant pastor and cut it with a knife

April 17, 2019

The preacher from Ohio suggested to the students to spit on him, slap his face and cut him with a knife. Videos strange of the lesson was then released on the Internet. Assistant pastor Addeus Dempsey Visit the Church Impact City in Facebook has a video apology. On the record lead pastor Justin Ross said that the incident occurred at a regular meeting of the parishioners of the Church after…


Don’t miss: on Friday you can admire the «Pink» moon

April 17, 2019

The April full moon will occur on Friday, April 19. For all Christians except the Orthodox, it is good Friday. And on this day ascend to the firmament of the so-called «Pink moon». Of course, it actually is not painted in pink. The fact that the last time the full moon each month began to give the name, as was customary in the culture of native Americans (in March the…


Sanders warned Democrats that they could lose the elections if they focus on trump

The Senator from Vermont, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders advised Democrats to stop attacks on Donald trump, saying that their political party will lose the election in 2020, if the President will remain in the center of their attention. «If we are going to attack trump, you know that? The Democrats will lose,» he said during a broadcast on Fox News. «I agree with you, I think trump is a dangerous…

April 17, 2019

Rosenstein may have promised the Ecuadorians that Assange is not executed in the United States

April 16, 2019

Deputy U.S. attorney Rod Rosenstein has promised not to demand from the court the death penalty for Julian Assange. At least, think so in Ecuador. Today a number of media, citing unnamed sources, claimed that the Ambassador of Ecuador in Germany Manuel Mejia Dalmau has received such an assurance from US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell. None of these individuals this information is not officially confirmed nor denied. Search the…