A jury sentenced a gay prisoner to death because «men’s prison for him, not a punishment»

April 15, 2019

Monday, April 15, the U.S. Supreme court refused to hear the case of Charles Raines a prisoner on death row in South Dakota, who argued that discrimination against homosexuals has become crucial in the trial of his case. When Charles Raines, gay, was convicted of murder in January 1993, the jury had to decide, to determine his sentence of life imprisonment without parole, or be sentenced to death. During the…


«RUSAL» Oleg Deripaska built the largest US aluminum plant

RUSAL is making its first investment in the United States since Washington lifted sanctions with the Russian aluminum giant. Russian «RUSAL» has teamed up with American company Braidy Industries to build a plant in Kentucky. The world’s largest producer of aluminium outside of China announced the deal in three months after was excluded from the sanctions list. He has already resumed shipments to the U.S. market. The US imposed sanctions…

April 15, 2019

American student died after falling from the tower inside the campus Fordham

April 15, 2019

Student at Fordham University, 22-year-old Sidney Monfri, died after falling from a 12-meter bell tower on campus. According to police, the incident occurred on Sunday, April 14, at about 3 a.m. after the girl and her classmates climbed the clock tower to touch the bell and take photos of the city. Arrived rescue team found the victim with injuries to the head and body lying on the ground inside the…


American killed by his pet — a huge bird, the cassowary

April 15, 2019

The cassowary, a giant bird with long claws, killed the owner after he fell in the backyard of his house in Gainesville (state of Florida). The tragic incident occurred on Friday morning, April 12. As reported by the County Sheriff’s Department Alachua, 911 was called by a neighbor of the victim who saw what was happening in the back yard of 75-year-old Marvin Hajos. Arriving paramedics took Chiosa to a…


Tornadoes in the South USA: 6 dead, a family lost two children, destroyed dozens of homes (video)

April 15, 2019

On weekend, storms struck the southern U.S., bringing tornadoes and floods. The disaster has killed at least 6 people, including three children. «That’s a big one!» Dramatic video captures family driving away from a tornado on Saturday near the town of Hearne, Texas. https://t.co/b60OdBB7ug pic.twitter.com/eC9IfxtmZL — ABC News (@ABC) April 15, 2019 So, on Saturday in Texas , killing two brothers – 3-year-old Jace Creel and 8-year-old Dilin Creel. On…


In new York lit Russian restaurant «Tatiana»

Brooklyn has lit up the restaurant with Russian and Eastern European cuisine «Tatiana». In a network there was video of the fire, which shows that the flames fully engulfed the building of the institution. The restaurant is located at Brighton 6th St. It is known that the owner of the restaurant Tatiana is Tatiana Varzar. While neither the restaurant nor the police provided no official information about the incident and…

April 15, 2019

In South Florida Uber driver tried to have sex with the sleeping passenger, and then stole a watch and $50

On Thursday evening, April 11, police in North Miami beach (County of Miami-Dade County) have arrested a 45-year-old driver of Uber Emilio Lazaro Victores, accusing him of sexual assault on his passenger, whom he picked up on 16 March 2019. The victim came to South Florida from South Carolina on vacation. In North Miami beach, she rented a house. The victim told police that ordered Uber Pool (trip with multiple…

April 15, 2019

Florida police arrested a drunken man after he ate «properly»

Last Sunday some visitors leaving the restaurant the Olive Garden in Naples (Florida), was forced to watch absolutely unappetizing scene — by standing next to a bench half-naked drunk man ate spaghetti with his hands. According to the police report, at about 15:30 the waiters of the restaurant Olive Garden reported to law enforcement on a drunken bully, staged only that they have a hard-hitting scandal. Patrol arrived on the…

April 14, 2019

The state Department has published a list of 35 countries where it is not necessary to go to the American tourists

U.S. citizens who plan to travel abroad, the state Department recommends that you familiarize yourself with the new list of countries with the indicator of «K», which henceforth will be assigned to those areas with a high risk of kidnapping and/or hostage-taking. A new category was added to better inform Americans about the risks during their travel. Not the last role in creating the new indicator has played the recent…

April 14, 2019

The state Department has published a list of 35 countries where it is not necessary to go to the American tourists

U.S. citizens who plan to travel abroad, the state Department recommends that you familiarize yourself with the new list of countries with the indicator of «K», which henceforth will be assigned to those areas with a high risk of kidnapping and/or hostage-taking. A new category was added to better inform Americans about the risks during their travel. Not the last role in creating the new indicator has played the recent…

April 14, 2019