New Disney cruises start from new York

May 22, 2018

Good news for new Yorkers, have long been intending to circumnavigate the globe. Disney Cruise Line just published the timetable for 2019, a year and few ships will sail straight from the Big Apple. How about a visit to Bermuda in the family? Even Scrooge McDuck would have succumbed to such a tempting offer. shutterstock Full list of proposals for new Yorkers Bahamas 2019 Disney Magic 7-Night Halloween, High Seas…


Trump and Kim Jong-Eun has not yet met, but on this occasion has already released a collector coin

Although the meeting of the President of the trump and the head of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN has not yet taken place, this did not prevent White House Communications Agency to produce in her honor «themed» coins. The two leaders depicted on the background of their national flags, and the head of the North Korea named «Supreme leader Kim Jong-Inom» is an appeal, made many critics Jong-UN and his regime….

May 22, 2018

New Disney cruises start from new York

May 22, 2018

Good news for new Yorkers, have long been intending to circumnavigate the globe. Disney Cruise Line just published the timetable for 2019, a year and few ships will sail straight from the Big Apple. How about a visit to Bermuda in the family? Even Scrooge McDuck would have succumbed to such a tempting offer. shutterstock Full list of proposals for new Yorkers Bahamas 2019 Disney Magic 7-Night Halloween, High Seas…


Father hand of Santa Fe believes that his son did the shooting because of bullying classmates

The father of a 17-year-old Dimitrios of Agurcia, accused of killing 10 people in a school in Santa Fe (TX), claims that his son was «a good boy». According to men, the bullying of classmates brought a guy in rage, then he opened fire. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal Antonios Phorcys said that his son «abused in school» that could push for such a terrible act. But,…

May 22, 2018

Weather in new York: rain storm on Tuesday, Sunny days on Wednesday and Thursday

Torrential rain will spoil the clear weather of recent days. According to the forecast of National weather service (National Weather Service — NWS), in the second half of Tuesday’s expected rain in the evening will increase. Closer to 4 p.m. the chance of precipitation will reach 80%. Cloudy and rainy weather will linger until late at night, and the first gleams in the sky will be closer to 5 o’clock…

May 22, 2018

On the streets of new York people fall from a drug overdose — only 50 cases

Something terrible is happening in North Brooklyn from Friday, may 18. People falling in the streets, in restaurants and stores. According to the janitor Efrain Rodriguez, he had never seen anything like what was on Saturday near Loma coffee shop on Broadway. «They did two puffs and Bang! — immediately fell. People just fell. Here, on the sidewalk, were three, — tells reporters Rodriguez, pointing to the scene. The doctors…

May 22, 2018

Passenger Frontier Airlines has celebrated small need directly in the cabin (photo)

Nightmare turned to passengers of Frontier Airlines flight from Denver (co) Charleston (SC) 17 may, their drunken companion Michael Allen Haag. First, he unceremoniously stuck to flying beside him women, and then urinated in the cabin. According to law enforcement officers, it all started with the fact that, 45-year-old passenger got pretty drunk. (He was drinking on the plane a vodka tonic.) Razvorachivat under the influence of alcohol Haag «interested»…

May 22, 2018

Resident of Michigan was deported to Albania, not having to say goodbye to my husband and 3 children

46-year-old immigrant, illegally lived in the US for 18 years, was deported by agents of Immigration and customs service of the United States (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement — ICE), not being able to say goodbye to the children, and even to warn of her husband. Power Presei came to the United States from Albania in 2000 seeking asylum. At home it was chased and forced into prostitution. In 2014,…

May 22, 2018

In new York pregnant inflicted 30 stab wounds — the child is not saved

The quarrel that took place today, may 22, in the Bronx, turned into a stabbing. A man stabbed his 30-year-old pregnant girlfriend a few dozen (according to preliminary information, about 30) stab wounds. As reported in Department of police of new York (New York City Police Department), the incident occurred at night in an apartment building on Walton Avenue, near 165th Street. The victim promptly hospitalized — she is now…

May 22, 2018

The Pope is the representative of sexual minorities: «God loves you the way you are»

A gay man who was abused by a Chilean priest, told reporters about a private conversation with the Pope. Juan Carlos Cruz, who in April spent three days with Pope Francis in the Vatican, gave CNN the words of the Pope concerning his sexual orientatsii: «God made you that way. God loves you as you are. Daddy loves you so, and you have to love yourself and not worry about…

May 22, 2018