Russian hackers are preparing a new large-scale cyber attack on Ukraine

The American company Cisco Systems (CSCO.O) warned: not less than 500 thousand devices in dozens of countries were infected within a possible preparation for repeated mass cyber attack on Ukraine. Experts of cyber security, Cisco almost 100% sure that the infection is the Russian government, as hackers used the same virus as in the previous attacks that the United States was attributed to the Kremlin. Almost a year ago, on…

May 23, 2018

Israel became the first country to introduce the fighter of the 5th generation F-35 in combat

The pride of the American aircraft industry — the world’s most advanced multirole fighter Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II was twice applied in a real fight while patrolling the middle East region. This was announced at a meeting with 20 heads of the air force of the allies, the commander of the Israeli air force to Amico Norkin. Of the countries that have acquired multi-purpose fighter F-35, Israel first received…

May 23, 2018

Died writer, Pulitzer prize winner Philip Roth

The famous American writer Philip Roth died in new York on Tuesday, may 22, at the age of 85 years. According to his literary agent, Andrew Wylie, the cause of death was acute heart failure. Philip Roth is the author of over 30 books, winner of the Pulitzer prize (1998) and the International man Booker prize (2011). The most famous novels of the Company are considered to be «the Case…

May 23, 2018

In new York parents have filed a lawsuit against his son, who refused to move out

After fruitless persuasion, the parents of 30-year-old man has resorted to drastic measures – they filed a lawsuit on his son, so he finally moved out of them. May 7 Mr. and Mrs. Rotondo filed a petition in Supreme court, Onondaga County (near Syracuse, NY) on their son, Michael Rotondo. According to the lawyer Anthony Haremheb, the parents of men are desperate in search of ways to affect his adult…

May 23, 2018

Budget apartment in a luxury building in Queens will go to families with incomes above the average

If your salary is higher than most people in new York, but your own home you have not yet got, it does not mean that you have to remove it for full price. New offer on the market for inexpensive properties for rent are designed for residents with an income of 130% of the average. Since 24 may, they can apply to participate in the draw for 59 affordable apartments…

May 23, 2018

The murder of 30-year-old revealed thanks to new DNA technology

Technology is evolving very quickly and relate to virtually any aspect of our lives. Investigation of crimes is no exception, so even a case that was considered hopeless, may be solved through scientific progress. William Earl Talbott from SeaTac (WA), was arrested in the murder of the first degree, which occurred 30 years ago. Law enforcement authorities believe that Talbott is responsible for the murder in 1987, 18-year-old Tanya van…

May 23, 2018

Shooting in Florida: murder suspect barricaded in a residential house (video)

In the city Panama city (Florida), in one of the regions was shooting. According to the latest reports, the shooter was wounded and 1 man barricaded in an apartment building. The building is surrounded by police. According to local media, on the site spotted the car, a sapper squad. Eye-witnesses say that they heard over 50 shots. As told to Kim Allgood, the owner of the cafe, located near the…

May 23, 2018

Ukraine experienced American Javelin ATGM and said he will apply them in the case of Russia

The armed forces of Ukraine conducted the first tests of anti-tank missile system Javelinprovided by the United States. Soldiers carried out the shooting and demonstrated a willingness to use these weapons against a conventional enemy. In addition to American anti-tank systems, tests were also Ukrainian development, in particular, the missile system Stugna-P. Thank you to the President of the USA @realDonaldTrump, VCE-President @mike_pence, Menstru Defense James Metts, Diresctory @SecPompeo the…

May 23, 2018

Donald trump uses unprotected Iphone that can hack hackers

As you know, the President of the United States has repeatedly insisted on the strengthening of security measures at the White house to solve a leak, which, in his opinion, gives cause media to create a so-called «Fake News«. However, according to sources close to the President, he ignores the security protocols, using not protected phones. According to the popular publication Politico, Donald trump regularly uses two smartphone brand Iphone….

May 22, 2018

The teenager, who arranged a forest fire in Oregon, will pay $36 million

Playing with fire, prepare to face the consequences. The teenager pleaded guilty to a forest fire in 2017, this «fun» will cost a fortune. Yesterday, may 21, the district court hood river (Oregon) ordered the defendant to pay $36 million. 15-year-old resident of the state of Washington (whose name was not reported because he is a minor) admitted that on September 2, 2017 during a campaign trail at Eagle Creek…

May 22, 2018