The white house said that the U.S. Department of justice to check the legality of the «Russian case»

21 may 2018, the U.S. President met with Deputy attorney General rod Rozensteina and Director of the Federal Bureau of investigation Christopher ray. Immediately after the meeting, White house officials confirmed that the U.S. justice Department began an investigation on the FBI investigation on the so-called «Russian cause«. «Based on the meeting with the President, the Ministry of justice appealed to the Prosecutor General with a request to expand the…

May 22, 2018

Hillary Clinton at a meeting of graduates of Yale University spoke with hat in hand

Extraordinary performance was celebrated at a ceremonial meeting of graduates of Yale University politician Hillary Clinton. Former U.S. Secretary of state bring to the event a fur hat and showed it to the audience during the farewell speech. «If you can’t beat them, join them«she said, alluding to the connection between Donald trump and Russia. According to the politician, she wanted to maintain a long tradition of Yale University to…

May 22, 2018

The border guards have detained and questioned two citizens the US for conversation in Spanish

A resident of Montana , said he plans to contact the lawyers after fellow border patrol detained her and a friend for talking in the Spanish language. According to Ana Court, the incident occurred in the middle of last week in the town of Havre in Montana, near the border with Canada. Ana with her friend Mimi Hernandez late in the evening was shopping in a grocery shop at the…

May 21, 2018

American women who become members of the Royal families

May 21, 2018

Rang wedding bells sounded wedding vows, wedding shed tears Prince Harry (seriously, he wept at least three times) and now a native of Los Angeles Meghan Markle is officially a member of the Royal family. However, it is not the first American to do it. We can think of at least 11 citizens of the USA, became princessamy, and a couple of times — even Queens. Hope Cook 20-year-old native…


US threatens «the strongest sanctions in history» against Iran

The newly elected Secretary of state Mike Pompeo said that the United States will announce «the most powerful sanctions in history» against Iran if the country does not agree to the demands of America. A week passed from the moment when Donald trump announced a unilateral US withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran. The President has taken this step, despite the fact that the French leader Emmanuel macron came…

May 21, 2018

The top 15 surprises on U.S. roads

May 21, 2018

When planning a trip to the country with the whole family, Americans often choose to travel by car. So much more convenient. You are not tied to the schedule of public transport, take with you what you want, and besides, you can always deviate from the planned route to explore with stunning objects, encountered on the way. Surprise modern Americans very difficult. Spoiled by the creativity of marketers competing for…


The top 15 surprises on U.S. roads

May 21, 2018

When planning a trip to the country with the whole family, Americans often choose to travel by car. So much more convenient. You are not tied to the schedule of public transport, take with you what you want, and besides, you can always deviate from the planned route to explore with stunning objects, encountered on the way. Surprise modern Americans very difficult. Spoiled by the creativity of marketers competing for…


In South Carolina, escape from prison, two murderers (photo)

One of the prisoners escaped from a prison in South Carolina, is caught, but the other two (both charged with murder) are still free. As reported by law enforcement officers, three prisoners escaped from the detention Center (Orangeburg County Detention Center) in Orangeburg on Saturday, may 19, at about 22 hours. Officers-the officers still are investigating the incident. There is no information about exactly how the escape happened and does…

May 21, 2018

Two officers of the NYPD was killed, returning from the wedding of one of them

Two officers of the NYPD, celebrated the wedding at a resort in Catskill, was killed in a traffic accident returning from a wedding party. The tragedy occurred yesterday, may 20, at about 23:30 on Oliveria Road in Shandaken, Olster County (new York). According to preliminary data, one of the dead was the groom himself. Rental car Maserati for some reason, lost control, flew off the road and crashed into a…

May 21, 2018