American from Odessa has survived after attack of angry hippos in Africa

December 5, 2018

The inhabitant of Odessa (FL) who went on vacation in Africa, incredibly lucky: she survived the attack of an angry mothers hippos. A trip to South Africa and Zimbabwe, Kristen of Aldor decided to celebrate his 37th birthday. Together with her husband Ryan and 2 guides (they were on a nearby boat), she swam in the Zambezi, suddenly under the canoe spouses ducked Behemoth and suddenly turned it over. Behemoth…


Christmas in new York | Best festive fairs and markets

December 5, 2018

The Christmas season is a time of finding gifts, and this is not an easy task. Fortunately, the festive markets and fairs to facilitate the winter «hunting». shutterstock/littlenystockПраздничный market at Union Square Union Square, New York, NY 10003 The website Every year, hundreds of suppliers of various goods involved in this event. Here are the products of local artists (Handmade in Brooklyn, and Retro NY Metro) as well as a…


American from Odessa has survived after attack of angry hippos in Africa

December 5, 2018

The inhabitant of Odessa (FL) who went on vacation in Africa, incredibly lucky: she survived the attack of an angry mothers hippos. A trip to South Africa and Zimbabwe, Kristen of Aldor decided to celebrate his 37th birthday. Together with her husband Ryan and 2 guides (they were on a nearby boat), she swam in the Zambezi, suddenly under the canoe spouses ducked Behemoth and suddenly turned it over. Behemoth…


Woman shot and killed the fugitive, broke into her bedroom

«There are women in South Carolina» — so we can say about a resident of the County of Pickens. She was confused when the night to her bedroom burst a quick con, and without hesitation started up the weapon. As told to the Sheriff, 30-year-old Bruce McLaughlin broke into the house at night women 4 December. On the intruder was in an orange jumpsuit — just a half hour before…

December 5, 2018

Putin: Russia will produce banned missiles if the US pulls out of the INF Treaty

Russia will start to produce missiles prohibited by the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) of 1987, if the United States unilaterally will be released from the agreement and will begin production of such weapons, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. Yesterday, on December 4, U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo said that Washington is forced to suspend fulfilment of its obligations under the nuclear contract…

December 5, 2018

The Texan before his execution, repeated the words of Jesus: «Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do»

On Tuesday, December 4, executed another member of the «Texas seven» — a group of prisoners who in 2000 escaped from prison and later shot a police officer in a sporting goods store. 47-year-old Joseph Garcia was declared dead at 18.43 local time. He was injected with a lethal injection in the death chamber in Huntsville (TX). As representatives of the correctional institution, the last words of the convicted were…

December 5, 2018

A school bus collided with a car in Queens: 8 victims

Major accident occurred this morning, December 4, at Queens (new York). According to preliminary information, around 8: 30 a.m. on the Long Island Expresswaynear the Brooklyn Queens Expressway, collided 2 cars and a school van. It is known that injured at least 8 people, including one seriously. Details of the accident are being investigated. Stay tuned

December 5, 2018

Joe Biden: «I am the most worthy candidate for President»

Former us Vice-President Joe Biden said that his participation in the presidential race of 2020 will depend on whether his family to pass this test. Yesterday, December 3, 76-year-old Biden spoke at the University of Montana in Missoula as part of a tour dedicated to the memoir, «Promise me, dad,» about his older son Joseffa. «I think I’m the most worthy candidate for President. The issues that we face in…

December 5, 2018

New York established a minimum salary for drivers of Uber and Lyft

The Commission for taxi and limousine the TLC of new York, today voted for the new rates of salary for drivers of Uber and Lyft. This means the increase of their revenues by almost 50% or $10 thousand a year. NYC — the first metropolis of the United States, undertaken to limit the lower limit for the salary of the taxi driver, and then the price of a taxi. There…

December 5, 2018

Satanists Chicago became eligible to participate in the Christmas events

A group of representatives of the Satanic temple in Chicago were asked to participate in official Christmas events in the administration of Illinois and received permission. Among other things, the Satanists will put on display a three foot tall stele — the young woman’s hand with Apple, symbolizing the gift of knowledge. The speaker of the Secretary of state of Illinois Dave Drucker wilted that «Under the Constitution, the First…

December 5, 2018