The citizen of the Russian Federation in the custody of immigration police in the USA, died from cardiac arrest

December 7, 2018

Another death of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which was under custody of Immigration and customs enforcement (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement), was recorded 30 Nov. The man was detained in 2017 due to an expired visa and the last time he had health problems. According to preliminary data, Russians have died from cardiac arrest. As representatives of ICE, the 56-year German wolves died in the hospital UFH Jacksonville…


Fir what to buy for Christmas? Blue. No joke

If you want your house to stand out from the next — there are several ways. You can decorate everything with lights and garlands, small and large figures of Christmas characters. As do the residents of Dyker Heights. Or you can, like in Rockefeller center, to occupy the Christmas tree with Swarovski crystals. However, both of these ways will cost a pretty penny — it is unlikely that you will…

December 7, 2018

Police have arrested an American who poured boiling oil on someone during a dispute

61-year-old Charlene Thompson was arrested because she is in a dispute allegedly poured boiling oil on the other person. According to the report, the Sheriff’s office Hamilton County, the incident occurred on 2 December in the house on Hawaiian Terrace in the area of Cincinnati (Oh). The police arrived on the scene, they arrested Thompson and charged with criminal assault. According to court documents, the incident, the victim left severe…

December 6, 2018

Lancet: migrants increase GDP and the standard of health of the host country

«Migrants bring health, recovery and strengthening of the social sphere», — to such conclusions the authors of the report of the Commission on migration and global health the Lancet (one of the most famous, oldest and most reputable General medical journals, founded in 1823). Migrants Are damaging economies? New #LancetMigration Commission challenges common myths about #MigrationHealth @TheLancet @UCL @MIGHCommission #ForMigration #GlobalCompactforMigration — The Lancet (@TheLancet) December 6, 2018…

December 6, 2018

In connection with the closing of the tunnel East River fell flat in Williamsburg

In Williamsburg, the demand for rental apartments fell from October 2017 1%. This is the only area of new York where the popularity of the rental housing falls. And it is, most likely, the MTA plans to stop at 15 months the movement of subway trains in connection with the closing of the East River tunnel. Williamsburg has more apartments than ever. But with the shutdown coming, renters are losing…

December 6, 2018

The murder of a family in new Jersey: state lawmakers want to bring back the death penalty

After killing an entire family in colts Neck, some lawmakers in new Jersey have called for the return of capital punishment. «A horrible murder of a family, Caneiro is a sad reason that we should return the death penalty,» — said in a statement, Republican Steven Oroho, Parker Space and Harold Virtsu. We will remind, 51-year-old Paul Caneiro is accused of the murder of his brother, 50-year-old Keith, his wife,…

December 6, 2018

The truck crashed into the bus school basketball teams of: 2 people killed, 10 injured

Yesterday, December 5, on highway 74 in Illinois, lost control of the truck rammed the bus Normal Community West High School. By words a press-the Secretary of state police Illinois Tracy Lillard, the accident occurred at about half past eight p.m. between Bloomington (in) and Downs (Il). The bus went after the game to Champaign Central high school basketball team. The accident killed 2 people: 72-year-old Charles Crabtree, a volunteer…

December 6, 2018

In new York a man got into a shootout with police, injuring passers-by

Yesterday, December 5, in the Bronx, unknown staged a gunfight with police, during which they wounded a woman and 12-year-old girl. The assailant also wounded in the neck and leg and was arrested. As reported in a press-conferences the chief of the police Department of new York (NYРD) Terence Monaghan, the incident occurred around 6 p.m. in the lobby of the residential complex 98 West 183rd Street. As shown by…

December 6, 2018

Burger King has prepared a present for Christmas for McDonald’s

In the protracted war Burger King and McDonald s the situation deteriorated to the extreme. Burger King struck a sophisticated painful blow to the enemy with the use of new mobile technologies. Running the application using which, all who are close to McDonald’s (not more than 600 feet), can obtain Burger King’s Whopper with a huge discount. This hard trolling was not. If you find yourself near McDonald’s and wanted…

December 6, 2018

On the border with Mexico detained family from Guatemala, dropped his children with boundary wall

Surveillance cameras on the border of USA and Mexico recorded as a suspected smuggler throws young children from the edge of the wall in Yuma (AZ). Confirming the entry appeared in the Monday, December 3, on the Twitter page of customs and border protection (CBP). As reported by the border patrol, male, located on the Mexican side, throwing children (2, 7 and 10 years old) with fences with a height…

December 6, 2018