In Pennsylvania a man was released from prison and after a few minutes stole a car one year old child

December 6, 2018

A strange case occurred in the County of Westmoreland (Pennsylvania) Tuesday, 4 December. Just released from prison, the man managed to hold on to the will a few minutes, and then again committed a crime. The attacker stole the car Park of the penitentiary the car, which was a year-old baby. As told representatives of the Police Department of the Greensburg (Greensburg Police Department), 36-year-old Thomas Lee Williams on Tuesday…


Two aircraft of naval forces of the United States crashed in Japan

The accident happened off the coast of Japan. From 2 military aircraft — a fighter-bomber F/A-18 and the tanker aircraft C-130 — crashed under mysterious circumstances. On Board Aviastar was a total of 7 people. According to information provided by the management of the marine Corps (United States Marine Corps US Marines), the crew have gone missing on their quest sent a special group. The military said that the incident…

December 6, 2018

Attention! The NYPD is looking for a rapist who in Manhattan abused girl

December 6, 2018

The police Department of new York (New York City Police Department — NYPD) requested the residents of the Big Apple help to find a dangerous criminal. This past Monday, December 3, he attacked a young girl and sexually abused her. The rape occurred in the area of Washington heights, near the Church of St. Rose of Lima’s Church, located on 165th Street. As representatives of the NYPD, the incident occurred…


Police looking for suspicious man who followed 11-year-old girl for 5 blocks

The NYPD is looking for a suspicious man who was walking five blocks for the girl. The child returned from school, near Marcy Avenue home. Suspecting something was amiss, the girl ran away. The man (pictured below) was dressed in a light grey leather jacket with a hood and blue jeans. 11-Year-Old Girl are being Stalked by a Man After School in Williamsburg: NYPD — GreenpointPost (@greenpointpost) December 5,…

December 6, 2018

On long island grandmother gave the swindler $45 000 — for son’s release from custody

In long island 81-year-old woman suffered from actions of the swindler lure her $45 000. The unknown man told her that her son was arrested for hitting a pedestrian, and for bail urgently need $7500. Then asked for another $7500, and later he told her that as it turned out, the victim was a pregnant woman and need another $30 000. Nassau County police commissioner says let’s catch this “piece…

December 6, 2018

The fishermen went to plead with the oil companies and hope for a rich haul

December 5, 2018

Fishermen still do not wait for permission to Dungeness crab fishing off the coast of California, sue the oil companies. According to the fishermen, the oil companies fault for global warming, which increased the level of neurotoxin in the water, because of which the authorities did not give permission to catch, tearing the season. The fishermen want the oil industry has compensated the damage. The Federation of fishermen of the…


Manhattan near the Trump Tower, a fire broke out

Today, December 5, at about 12:45 the staff of the fire Department of new York (FDNY) responded to a fire near the Trump Tower. As reported by the FDNY, the fire broke out in Manhattan in the building at 745 Fifth Ave. across the street from the skyscraper, built by President Donald trump

December 5, 2018

American from Odessa has survived after attack of angry hippos in Africa

December 5, 2018

The inhabitant of Odessa (FL) who went on vacation in Africa, incredibly lucky: she survived the attack of an angry mothers hippos. A trip to South Africa and Zimbabwe, Kristen of Aldor decided to celebrate his 37th birthday. Together with her husband Ryan and 2 guides (they were on a nearby boat), she swam in the Zambezi, suddenly under the canoe spouses ducked Behemoth and suddenly turned it over. Behemoth…


Christmas in new York | Best festive fairs and markets

December 5, 2018

The Christmas season is a time of finding gifts, and this is not an easy task. Fortunately, the festive markets and fairs to facilitate the winter «hunting». shutterstock/littlenystockПраздничный market at Union Square Union Square, New York, NY 10003 The website Every year, hundreds of suppliers of various goods involved in this event. Here are the products of local artists (Handmade in Brooklyn, and Retro NY Metro) as well as a…