A student with speech afraid to lose their licences after a strange test on the road

The student with impaired speech may lose the right because he was slow to answer the questions of the police from long island during a bizarre incident when his car was stopped for inspection. Last year Brian Siegel (23 years old) was driving his Subaru home in cold spring Harbor with his mother and sister, when behind him flashed lights and sounded the siren of a police car, telling the…

May 5, 2019

The explosion at the plant in Illinois, 1 person killed, 2 missing and 4 wounded

On Friday evening, may 3, silicone plant in Waigani (Il), located approximately 80 km North of Chicago, occurred the explosion, «like an earthquake». At least 4 people wounded, 2 missing and 1 dead. It is established that at the time of the explosion at the company AB Specialty Silicones employed 9 people. The incident occurred at 21:45 and at this time the plant opened and worked normally. Surveillance cameras recorded…

May 4, 2019

In the US, the alligator tried to ring the door bell and then lay down on the porch (video)

Karen Alfano from new Jersey recently moved to Myrtle beach (state of SC). It is unknown if she was counting on a warm welcome and visits new neighbors, but one of the locals rushed to put Karen very unexpected visit. The other day, after returning home, Karen saw an alligator with a length of about 6.5 feet (approximately 2 meters) near the front door stood up on his hind legs…

May 4, 2019

In Florida Boeing with 143 passengers on Board during landing slid into the river

On Friday evening, may 3, the aircraft a Boeing 737, owned by Miami Air International, during an attempt in a thunderstorm to land at the airfield of the military base slid into strips in a shallow river St. Johns in Jacksonville (FL). On Board were 143 passengers, including 7 crew members. The Jacksonville mayor, lenny Curry in his Twitter wrote that message about the dead was not. There was also…

May 4, 2019

In San Antonio police officer with the students you pulled a woman from a burning car 10 seconds before the explosion

May 4, 2019

In San Antonio, Texas, thanks to the care of indifferent bystanders, in the resolute perseverance and heroism of the police had rescued a woman locked in a burning car on the highway. The car finally exploded, but she managed to get out before the explosion. As has told then to journalists Andrew and Eric Cisbani Ghali, the students of St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, they drove the car around…


Began the trial of the alleged Hollywood Ripper, killed 3 women, including the girlfriend of Ashton Kutcher. The actor will act as a witness

Ashley Ellerin was preparing to attend a Grammy after-party with actor Ashton Kutcher and just got out of the shower when she was attacked by a serial killer. On the first day of the trial, the Prosecutor Daniel Akeman told the jury about how Michael Gargiulo (43 years old), nicknamed the Hollywood Ripper, Ashley slashed throat and stabbed her more than 40 times in her own home in the Hollywood…

May 4, 2019

Boyfriend wore a mask of a werewolf and at night tortured with a blowtorch 2-year-old daughter of a friend

May 3, 2019

«It’s something that can be nightmares, but for this child it all happened in reality.» These are the words of the Sheriff of Escambia (state of Florida) David Morgan, as he described how the 37-year-old arrested Andrew Ross Take tortured at night 2-year-old daughter of his girlfriend when the woman slept. According to the Sheriff, they have proof from the cameras in the house, and mobile the detainee. The video…


Two exhausted teenagers drowning in the ocean, began to pray for salvation, and they came to the aid of a boat, «Amen.»

When 6 years ago Eric Wagner bought a yacht called «Amen,» he could not think of what his ship will come to the rescue of two teenagers from Florida who nearly drowned in the ocean. Wagner and his team drove 53-foot yacht, EN route from Delray beach in Florida at new Jersey, when through the noise of motor, waves and wind they heard the «desperate cry». They were 2 miles…

May 3, 2019

The authorities are going to re-separate a woman from Guatemala and her 5-year-old son

After being separated during so-called policy of zero tolerance towards migrants Liliana Martinez and her 5-year-old son were able to reunite in June 2018. However, they can once again separate. As the lawyer told Mana Egan, boy, Wonder, received a deportation order after the missed hearing. However, the boy’s mother, a native of Guatemala, may remain in the U.S. until the expected decision concerning the petition for asylum. Egan told…

May 2, 2019