The American, who was accused of the death of a newborn son, admitted that he threw the baby on the floor

A resident of the Bronx, accused in the death of his 1-month-old son, admitted to investigators that got mad and threw the boy to the ground. Monday, March 18, around midnight, the staff of the ambulance service arrived at the apartment at mill brook house. They found the baby with severe head injuries and took him to the hospital. Boy Aiden Rodriguez, who was only a month, not able to…

March 21, 2019

The JetBlue pilots were drugged and raped by three workers of the airline

Two pilots JetBlue was raped by three members of the crew during their stay in Puerto Rico and even infected one of the women STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). The incident occurred may 9 in San Juan after three employees of the airline met on the beach with officers Eric Johnson and Dan Watson. According to documents in Federal court after learning that men working pilots at JetBlue, they agreed that…

March 21, 2019

In Washington state the driver who violated traffic rules, opened fire on the officers, killing Deputy Sheriff

March 21, 2019

The tragic incident occurred last Tuesday, March 19, near the city West (Washignton). While trying to detain the driver who repeatedly violated traffic rules, between the perpetrator and the police skirmish. As a result, the criminal took the life of Deputy Sheriff and wounding another officer. <img src="/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2019/03/0c6e8cb2ddf997e3c7d819d60bbdec13.gif" alt="In Washington state the driver who violated traffic rules, opened fire on the officers,


In California, a woman sitting in the house a garbage dump, forcing his father to live surrounded by hundreds of rats

March 21, 2019

Law enforcement agencies of the state of California are investigating the case on abuse of older people and the failure to care for animals. What the police found in one of the houses of the city Ojai, it is difficult even to imagine. Three people lived in such appalling conditions, the stench of rotting garbage and faeces were felt in 6 metres from the building. They shared a house with…


A dog saved a family from death by throwing himself on the arrow, and clutching in his hand, and he died

March 21, 2019

Family of Texas says that their favorite dog saved their lives when attacked the shooter who opened fire at a party on the occasion of the birthday of 13-year-old girl. The dog itself, unfortunately, died from gunshot wounds. The incident occurred March 10 in Houston. As told to Laura Martinez, in the house and in the yard celebrated the birthday of her youngest daughter when a party suddenly rushed the…


A resident of Minnesota moved my son to his drunken antics and inappropriate behavior

March 21, 2019

Ambiguous incident was recorded by law enforcement agencies of the state of Minnesota. In the County of Olmsted, the woman moved to the car his own son after he pissed off the mother of his behavior. As a result of incident the man suffered a severe head injury and pelvis, and the culprit of the crime was in jail. According to information provided by the Sheriff’s office Olmsted County (Olmsted…


Family the Creator of the YouTube channel «Fantastic Adventures» arrested for cruelty with their 7 children

March 20, 2019

48-year-old, from Hackney Maxell Maricopa (AZ) and her two sons are accused of cruel treatment with 7 foster children, forcing them to participate in the popular YouTube channel «Fantastic Adventures». Machell, Hackney According to police, the shocking charges include spraying pepper spray on the genitals of children, refusal of food and water, beatings, locking in a closet, limiting the use of the bathroom for several days and hold his head…


Mysterious death: suicide, ex-adviser to Obama and Clinton, one of the best economists in the world

March 20, 2019

Suicide Alan Krueger, a former adviser to presidents Barack Obama and bill Clinton, shocked politicians and businessmen. 58-year-old Kruger was found dead in his home in Princeton (new Jersey) on March 16. Family Kruger told the press that the man committed suicide without telling the details of the tragedy. The Kruger is survived by his wife Lisa and two children, 28-year-old Benjamin and 26-year-old Sidney. Alan Kruger. Source: Flickr/cc/Universidad de…