After a suicide attempt, the groom wanted the bride «soon to die». A month later they got married

In the SMS, sent by the resident of the Newport (Wales, UK) to his bride after attempting suicide, he wished her a «soon to die» — and yet a month later, the couple married. Now, in the midst of divorce, 40-year-old Lewis mills appeared in court on charges of sending messages offensive content and physical violence. Mills pleaded guilty, confirming that said ex-wife that he «would prefer that she die»,…

March 12, 2020

The scammer would lure money from elderly Americans, posing as a family member caught in a difficult position

On Monday, the canadian was sentenced to 3 years and 5 months in Federal prison for deceiving an elderly California residents, vymanivaya money through phone fraud. He and his accomplices pretended to be relatives of the victims, got into trouble when travelling abroad, he told police. Clifford Mr. Kirstein (29) from Montreal will pay $56258 damages 8 known victims. This decision was made by the court in Los Angeles, according…

March 12, 2020

Millions of Americans who have no paid sick leave, may be faced with a choice: health or money

Millions of American workers have no paid sick leave (sick leave), may be an impossible choice if they suspect that infected by coronavirus: health or livelihood. Concern that workers who can’t afford to stay home will accelerate the spread of the virus, expressed to journalists on Monday, Vice-President Mike Pence. Center for control and prevention of diseases recommended that employers «provide flexibility policy sick leave». According to the Bureau of…

March 11, 2020

The new York court sentenced Harvey Weinstein to 23 years in prison

Wednesday, 11 March, the former movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years imprisonment on charges of rape and sexual assault. The prosecutors said the 67-year-old Weinstein has earned a severe punishment for having «lured women under his control» to commit sexual assault. Weinstein faced a minimum of five years of imprisonment and a maximum of 25 years in prison on charges of committing sexual offences in the first…

March 11, 2020

ICE arrested a suspect in the rape, who «overstayed» the period of stay in the US for 20 years

On Wednesday in Boston (Massachusetts) employees of ICE have arrested a citizen of Zimbabwe, who is charged with committing a criminal offence. 42-year-old Alois Mutare, Zimbabwe citizen, who legally entered the United States in 1999, has significantly violated the terms of his permit and overstayed the status of «temporary visitor» for almost 20 years. He was arrested on charges of raping a Boston police in December 2019, and earlier this…

March 11, 2020

Store owner in new Jersey was arrested because the child had suffered burns because of the «spray-antiseptic»

The owner of 7-Eleven in new Jersey was arrested after, according to reports, the child received severe burns because of the «spray-antiseptic», which was sold in the store. As told in police, Maniche Baralu from wood-ridge were indicted in the placing of a child’s life in danger and deceptive business practices. Police river Vale, County of Bergen, state of new Jersey, learned about the incident Monday night after the social…

March 11, 2020

Victor Stepus sentenced to 7 years in prison for possession of child pornography

The Federal court of Springfield sentenced a Christian rock musician and singer Victor Stepus to 7 years in prison for downloading, storing and viewing child pornography. On Friday, the judge, U.S. district court mark G. Mastroianni sentenced a 51-year-old Steppa to 7 years in prison and 10 years supervised release. In November 2019 Stepp pleaded guilty to receipt and possession of child pornography. Before that, in August 2015, the musician…

March 10, 2020

A former pastor allegedly stole $200 million from the Church in Texas

Former pastor of Church of Houston allegedly stole more $200 thousand in his Church, is told in court materials. Toddrick Deshaun Johnson (36 years old) charged with stealing and using misinformation in order to create a document that helped him to steal the money of the parishioners of the Church Paradise Missionary Baptist Church, as reported in the judicial records received by news edition of the Houston Chronicle. Johnson, who…

March 10, 2020

Student put 6 stitches on his head due to a quarrel with the teacher, says the mother of the child

The fifth-grader of educational institution school district Cy-Fair ISD put 6 stitches on his head, and his mother claims that the blame for the incident, the child’s teacher. The alleged altercation happened last week in school Post Elementary School. Qian Randolph said she called the nurse of the institution and reported that her son received a wound during the clashes. When she arrived at school, she saw an open wound…

March 10, 2020

The blind man has failed the test of citizenship when he was not allowed to read a sentence in Braille

A blind man from Mexico who claimed to be a US citizen, failed at reading, when he was forbidden to read by the Braille system. A blind man named Luchio Delgado, who moved to America from Mexico 6 years ago, failed the test for U.S. citizenship last may after officers of citizenship and immigration the US has not given him to read a sentence in English Braille. A resident of…

March 9, 2020