Lessons Salisbury

British expert reiterated the Russian trace in the attempt of poisoning Skripal. The nerve agent that a little over a year ago tried to poison the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the British city of Salisbury, refers to the chemicals of the family «And 234» («Beginner»), invented by the Soviet Union. About it in interview to our website reported a London-based expert in chemical weapons…

March 11, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was subjected to an economic model of the United States to sharp criticism, calling it «hopeless»

March 11, 2019

Odious Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is once again the center of attention. This time the representative of the Democratic party made a loud statement during his speech at the annual SXSW festival (South by Southwest). The politician expressed the view that modern capitalism does not meet the aspirations of citizens of the United States of America. The youngest Congresswoman in US history sure that the economic model used her country, resulted…


President trump left autographs on the Bible for the people of Alabama, who survived after a tornado

March 9, 2019

As a rule, famous people sign the books they wrote, or their photos, but the President, Donald trump surpassed them all. During his visit, the American leader left the autographs on… the Bible. Residents of a small town in Alabama still trying to recover after a destructive tornado, which covered their district a week ago and killed 23 people. It was the deadliest tornado in the country since 2013. In…


The US accuses MTS and Gulnara Karimov of corruption and money laundering

March 8, 2019

Russian telecommunications company MTS will pay the U.S. justice Department $ 850 million fine as part of a deal to resolve the allegations of corruption and money laundering. The second defendant in the «Uzbek case», the American Prosecutor is the daughter of the President of Uzbekistan Gulnara Karimova. The justice Ministry accuses the USA Gulnara Karimov in bribes and laundering $865 million According to the U.S. justice Department in an…


Who condemns the Resolution of the Democrats? Ilhan Omar is not mentioned therein

March 8, 2019

Resolution of the democratic majority of the Congress condemning the statements of the young Congresswoman from Minnesota Ilhan Omar, which has been accused of anti-Semitism, planned for adoption yesterday. But on Wednesday evening, the discussion behind closed doors has led to scandal and the failed vote. It was decided Thursday to correct the text. Now experts believe a mistake Nancy Pelosi attempt making such a Declaration, it was possible to…


The former head of the election headquarters of Donald trump, was sentenced to 47 months in prison

March 8, 2019

Today the district court of Virginia announced the verdict in the Floor Manafort, former head of the electoral headquarters of the trump. The political strategist was 3 years and 11 months in prison for financial fraud and tax evasion. In this March 13, it is waiting for the verdict in the second trial under which he is accused of conspiracy against the state, perjury and illegal work of foreign agent…


American journalist Cody Weddle transported to the airport in Caracas

A US citizen Cody Weddle, a journalist working for ABC News, the Miami Herald and the British Daily Telegraph, after 12 hours in custody of the military counterintelligence of Venezuela taken to the airport in Caracas and handed over to local immigration authorities, who are preparing to have it shipped to the US. #AlertaSNTP | Finalmente pudimos conversar con nuestro colega periodista Cody Weddle. Está bien. Está siendo deportado a…

March 7, 2019

Two Mormons – US citizens detained in Russia

Two U.S. citizen members of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints — were detained in the South of Russia, in the port of Novorossiysk. This information was confirmed by the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints is the largest branch of Mormonism. The US state Department also reported that American citizens detained in Novorossiysk. «Our main priority…

March 7, 2019

Border guards detained in February a record number of illegal immigrants in the last 12 years

Last month marked a record number of illegal immigrants who were arrested while attempting to cross the state border. Customs and border protection (United States Customs and Border Protection – CBP) has reported about the detention of 76 thousand people. They either arrived at official border crossing points, without document, or tried to secretly enter the territory of the United States of America. Over the last 12 years this is…

March 7, 2019

The US President performed the last wish of his terminally ill supporter

44-year-old Jay Barrett from Connecticut suffers from a hereditary disease known as cystic fibrosis. This disease affects the gastrointestinal tract and leads to severe disorders of the respiratory system. Jay Barrett knows what the next six months is likely to be his last. However, before leaving this world, the man wanted to talk with Donald trump, who is his favorite politician. Sister critically ill patient, despite his commitment to the…

March 7, 2019