A Bible signed by trump, was sold for $325 on eBay

March 13, 2019

The Bible, supposedly signed by the President of Donald trump, was recently sold for $325 in the online eBay store. The head of the White house, first lady Melania trump and the Governor of Alabama Kay Ivey visited last week the affected tornado areas, killing 23 people. During a meeting with local residents in the Church President trump left their autographs on the Bible and a few caps MAGA («Make…


Congress denounced Putin for Nemtsov murder and the occupation of the Crimea

March 12, 2019

The U.S. Congress on Tuesday adopted several documents on the prosecution of Vladimir Putin for his actions during the tenure of the President of the Russian Federation. The congressmen he is charged with hindering prosecution in the murder of Boris Nemtsov and the crimes committed in the course of the operation of the annexation of Crimea. The U.S. Congress denounced Putin for opposing the investigation into the murder of Nemtsov….


Biden is preparing for the elections of 2020, while criticizing the budget trump

March 12, 2019

Today, March 12, at the meeting of the International Association of fire fighters (IAFF) in Washington, Joe Biden, former Vice President of the United States under Obama, said that «in the final stages of the preparation of the decision on participation in presidential elections of 2020.» Biden, 76-year-old former U.S. Senator from Delaware, went to a firefighter who shouted in unison, «Run, Joe, run!», inviting to participate in the presidential…


Service citizenship and immigration reduce U.S. presence abroad

Service citizenship and immigration USA (U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services — USCIS) plans to significantly reduce its presence abroad. According to an internal email, obtained by Reuters, the Agency decided to close overseas offices of the Department on issues of refugees and international operations (Refugee Asylum and International Operations). The closure will occur over the next year, and some of the tasks of the offices are likely to be…

March 12, 2019

The bartender refused to serve activist in the cap MAGA, was suspended from work

March 12, 2019

Dion Cini — 50-year-old conservative activist, who arranges various PR events in support of trump has filed a lawsuit against the sports bar Jake’s Dilemma after he was taken from school for alleged MAGA cap (campaign slogan to trump: «Make America Great Again» — «let’s Make America great again»). According to Cheney, March 6, he enjoyed spending time at the school, when suddenly he was approached by two employees of…


Nancy Pelosi is against impeachment trump, because he’s not worth it to «divide the country»

The speaker of the house of representatives and one of the most influential Democrats Nancy Pelosi said that President Donald trump does not meet the requirements of his position, but he shouldn’t be impeached. Yesterday, March 11, Joe Heim of the Washington Post in an interview with Pelosi asked the opinion of the speaker about the necessity of impeachment. «I thought about it: impeachment is so divides the country, what…

March 12, 2019

USA imposed sanctions against a Russian Bank associated with Venezuela

The office of foreign assets control (OFAC) announced today the introduction of U.S. sanctions against a Russian Bank in which 49,99% owned by the State to the Venezuelan Fund of national development Fonden S. A. and who had a close relationship with PDVSA (Venezuelan state oil company). Other major participants of the Bank — Russia’s Gazprom and VTB. Treasury sanctions Russia-based bank attempting to circumvent U.S. sanctions on PdVSA’s Venezuela’….

March 11, 2019

Trump announced the parameters of the Budget of the United States 2020

March 11, 2019

The US President Donald trump has transmitted to Congress the draft Budget for 2020 by $ 4.7 trillion. The white house proposes to reduce spending by most Federal government agencies at $ 2.7 trillion, while increasing defense spending and includes $ 8.6 billion for the construction of a wall along the U.S. border and Mexico. The budget aims to reduce deficits and debt over the next 10 years. «This budget…


New app helps supporters trump to find a «friendly» places

This month was launched a new app that will help conservatives find «safe» restaurants and other places where they will not be persecuted for the support of the President of the trump. 63red Safe app, called «Yelp for conservatives», was created in response to various incidents of people wearing caps with the words MAGA («Make America Great Again» — «let’s Make America great again»), asked to leave restaurants. Creator application…

March 11, 2019

The United States is preparing sanctions against the Europeans involved in Nord Stream 2

March 11, 2019

The white house is preparing to toughen its position to the EU countries isn’t enough firmly, resisting the implementation of the project of the Russian Nord Stream pipeline 2. First of all we are talking about Germany, writes today’s Wall Street Journal, citing sources in the administration trump. Nord Stream 2 creates more contradictions between Washington and Berlin According to the publication, Washington is planning to impose sanctions against a…