The Department of homeland security, the United States recognized white nationalism is the main terrorist threat

DHS (Department of Homeland Security — DHS) officially recognized the terrorism of supporters of white supremacy a major threat to national security in the United States — the threat from within. Friday, 20 September, acting Secretary of DHS Kevin Macalino unveiled a new strategy of the Ministry of the fight against terrorism, which first focuses on countering the threat of white nationalism. «The continued threat of violent extremism on racial…

September 22, 2019

The mayor of new York bill De Blasio refused to participate in the presidential race of 2020

The mayor of new York bill De Blasio completed his campaign for the presidency and will no longer qualify for the presidency from the Democrats in 2020. De Blasio announced his decision in an interview with MSNBC on Friday, September 20. According to the mayor, he did everything he could, «in these primary elections» after he announced that he is running for President in may of this year. De Blasio…

September 20, 2019

Intelligence sources say about the mysterious «promise» trump foreign leader regarding Ukraine

Democrats are sounding the alarm about the mysterious promises trump, concerning Ukraine, which provided the intelligence and the administration that trump refused to provide to Congress. It first announced the publication of the Washington Post on Wednesday evening, citing anonymous intelligence sources. The identity of the foreign leader, who had spoken to trump, and the exact words of the message remain unclear, but the newspaper noted that the discussion resulted…

September 20, 2019

Are USA on the threshold of a new war: what will trump do with Iran after the bombings in Saudi Arabia

At three in the morning last Saturday, residents of the Saudi city oil field Hail was woken not by the predawn call to prayer. A series of huge explosions at the refinery raised in the air flames to a height of thirty feet. Events in this city have shocked world oil prices and sharply raised the stakes in the ongoing tensions betweenUSA and Iran. Hail (Abqaiq) is the largest refining…

September 18, 2019

The President of the United States Donald trump joked on a third presidential term ran into criticism

The US President Donald trump on Tuesday, September 10, tweeted a meme that said «trump 2024», hinting at a third presidential term. «Let’s make America great again!» — written on the sign that is decorated in white and red colors of the campaign trump. According to the 22nd amendment, which was ratified in 1950-ies, the US President can’t vote more than 2 times, and the post trump hints that he…

September 11, 2019

Trump says that fired the national security Advisor John Bolton. Bolton says he left

President trump fired his adviser on national security Affairs, John Bolton. Presumably, the reason was their continued disagreement on the issue of relations with North Korea and Iran. «Yesterday I announced John Bolton that his services in the White house no longer required. — wrote President in his Twitter account — I, like other members of the Administration were strongly disagree with many of his tips». ….I asked John for…

September 10, 2019

After surviving a hurricane Dorian, who do not have U.S. visas, refused to be evacuated and expelled from the ferry

American ferry company Baleària Caribbean, which evacuated hundreds of survivors of hurricane Dorian, announced that only citizens with visas the United States can leave Grand Bahama. In result, 119 people, including children, were forced to turn back from a ferry on a devastated island. According to official data, the number of deaths from a category 5 hurricane is 45 people, but this is not the final figure: approximately 7 thousand…

September 10, 2019

Immigrante from Guatemala, who 16 years ago came to the US to get cured from a rare disease, could die if she is deported

Maria Isabel Bueso, whose lower body is paralyzed, was 7 years old when she came to the United States from Guatemala at the invitation of doctors who performed clinical trials for treatment of rare genetic diseases. As a result, the Management on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines (FDA) approved medication that has increased the life expectancy of Mary for more than a decade, although the doctors were…

September 10, 2019

The exchange of prisoners of war: U.S. President Donald trump congratulated Ukraine and Russia «a giant step for peace»

Today, September 7, Ukraine and Russia made large-scale exchange of prisoners in the format «35 on 35». Among the liberated Ukrainians were sailors, captured in December 2018 and the filmmaker Oleg Sentsov, who was convicted by a Russian court to 20 years in prison for preparing terrorist attacks. After arrival at home Sentsov expressed hope that the remaining prisoners in Russia be released. In turn, Ukraine has released 35 Russians,…

September 7, 2019

The city Council of San Francisco called the National rifle Association of the United States «domestic terrorist organization»

The city Council of San Francisco officially recognized the National rifle Association USA (NRA), fighting for possession of a weapon, «domestic terrorist organization». On Tuesday, September 3, members of the Board San Francisco has been unanimously condemned by the most influential group on the protection of the rights to gun ownership in the United States. This statement follows the shooting festival garlic Gilroy, South of the city, where in July,…

September 6, 2019