In the new York schools want to ban electronic cigarettes

In the new York schools want to ban electronic cigarettes

According to a recent report of the Ministry of health in the state of new York, in the period from 2014 for 2016 year the number of high school students using e-cigarettes in new York public and private schools has increased almost twice – from 10.5% to 20.6%.

The administration of Governor Andrew Cuomo took note of this fact in March 2017 has promised to take appropriate action.

In the new York schools want to ban electronic cigarettes

And so, today, July 25, for his signature have to do a new draft law introducing a ban on vaping in all schools of the state.

This applies to all electronic cigarettes, electronic hookahs and other vaping devices, which contain nicotine.

One of the main differences between electronic cigarettes from regular is that the first do not contain tobacco and carcinogens in its smoke. They heat liquid nicotine and emit water vapor.

However, Cuomo has stated that the use of nicotine in any form “is harmful to teenagers”, and also mentioned the existence of loopholes that allow “the use of electronic cigarettes on school grounds in new York.”

It is the fact that in electronic cigarettes there is no tobacco, does not allow to regulate them using existing laws banning Smoking in schools. But, apparently, the new law should correct the situation.

A new project has already passed all the necessary legislative procedures in both houses of the Legislature of the state of new York.

In the Assembly, for it gave their votes to 134 MP, voted against only 10.

In the Senate also only one person did not support a ban of electronic cigarettes in schools, as 59 senators voted «for».

The main argument against the adoption of the law is the claim of opponents that the harm from electronic cigarettes and causing them health risks are still not proven.

It is worth mentioning that this year the Legislature has considered legislation related to vaping, but he’s concerned the ban Smoking electronic cigarettes in public places such as bars, restaurants and offices. The project also successfully passed the stages of voting in the legislature and is still awaiting its entry into force.

Of already existing laws is the one that prohibits the sale and distribution of electronic cigarettes to persons who are under 18 years of age.

But given the small size of vaping devices, they simply hide. Pupils are carrying them in school, and this is not always known to teachers, noticed Linda Rosenthal, one of the members of the Assembly and an active supporter of the new bill.
