The enterprising teenager earned $20,000 into the queue

August 6, 2017

The enterprising teenager from Texas has earned a fortune on line. 15-year-old Desmond Roldan from Austin makes the fact that standing in queues to putraka with BBQ is too busy adults. It’s hard to believe, but starting to earn some money so at the age of 13, guy for 2 years earned nearly $ 20,000. The fact that in a queue to be especially popular Tutrakan, such as Franklin’s, you…


«Defender of the Galaxy» offered NASA their services

August 5, 2017

This week stormy discussion was caused by a new job posting from the American space Agency. The recent announcement about the open position «of the employee for the protection of the planet» that NASA created in the 1960-ies, no doubt, inspired many, as it is directly associated with the superheroes of classic and contemporary films. Not surprisingly, the announcement drew the attention of the «Guardian of the Galaxy» — a…


«Jesus walked on water, so he didn’t have to use metro»

August 5, 2017

It got to the point that even the Church in new York condemns the system of work of the ITA. Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church in Gramercy (155 E. 22nd Street near Third Avenue) at the stand located at the entrance, which are usually specified hours of the service, posted a sarcastic remark: «Jesus walked on water, so he didn’t have to use metro». Thus, apparently, employees of the Church wanted…


The search for the treasure chest in the Rocky mountains for the third victim?

August 5, 2017

At the end of July in the Arkansas river, Fremont County in southern Colorado found human remains. Investigators are trying to determine whether they belonged to 31-year-old Eric Ashby of Colorado springs, who disappeared June 28. Eric Ashby, according to friends, went in search of the famous treasure chest, buried in the Rocky mountains millionaire Forrest Fenno. If the version of the investigation confirmed that Eric will become the third…


Birthday Obama became an official holiday in Illinois

August 5, 2017

Barack Obama today marks 56 years. On the occasion of birthday of former US President received an unusual gift from Illinois. The Governor of the state Bruce Rauner signed an Executive order declaring August 4, the official state holiday to celebrate the achievements of the 44th President of the United States. But do not expect that this day you will be able to rest – output illinoisan for the occasion…


The authorities are going to clean up the Gowanus canal from the «black mayonnaise»

August 5, 2017

Canal Gowanus is not just considered to be one of the most polluted water bodies in the country. In 2010, the Agency for environmental protection has brought the Brooklyn waterfront with a long 1.8 mile to the list of contaminated sites under the Superfund program, and since then local community groups and authorities are working on its purification. The bottom of the channel covers 10 feet of toxic sludge, which…


Boeing drew in the air a plane half the size of USA

August 5, 2017

This is not a Declaration of love, written with the aircraft in the sky. To pass the time during a routine test flight, a team of Boeing pilots used their directions to draw a giant plane, a simplified copy of the machine on which they were flying — 787-800 Dreamliner. The picture they drew, captured 22 state of the United States, and to create resourceful pilots spent 18 hours flying…


The girl that pushed her boyfriend to suicide, going to jail for 15 months

August 4, 2017

On Thursday, August 3, the court issued a verdict in the case of Michelle Carterin June of this year, was found guilty of the manslaughter of her boyfriend. The girl will serve his sentence in prison little more than a year, a fraction of those numbers that was predicted initially. Recall that in July 2014, living in Massachusetts 18-year-old Conrad Roy III committed suicide, poisoned by carbon monoxide inside the…


Bikers conducted a school boy who was abused by peers

August 4, 2017

Bullying has led to self-esteem 11-year-old schoolboy Phil Mick has sunk to a new low. To help a boy to cope with stress, on Tuesday, the first day of classes — dozens of motorcyclists helped him to feel more confident with him in high school DeKalb. About 50 bikers from cities such as Fort Wayne and Columbia city, gathered in the restaurant, Richards Restaurant in Auburn to support the boy….


Have the opportunity to win jackpots of $600 million

August 4, 2017

Consider yourself lucky? In two American lotteries have the opportunity to win huge jackpots. So, Saturday will be another lottery Powerball and Mega Millions. Due to the fact that for several of the drawings of the winners were not, the winning amount has increased dramatically. The Powerball jackpot now stands at 286 million dollars in the Mega Millions it rose to a whopping 323 million dollars, which allowed him to…