The mother was punished 5-year-old son with a Taser

August 9, 2017

Unfortunately, children often become the lightning rod for the wrath of unbalanced parents. That’s what happened with her son 27-year-old Whitney white, who used a Taser against him. Such a terrible way a native of Houston, Texas, to punish the child for poor academic performance during his studies. It didn’t stop the tender age of the boy at the time of the incident he was only 5 years old. On…


The woman showed that she really thinks about the end of the holidays

August 9, 2017

Sunday Jenna Willingham posed for pictures with their three children, before sending them to school on Monday. In the picture it is easy to determine that 11-year-old Wrangler, 7-year-old Emmy and 4-year-old Sykes not too excited about returning to school land, unlike their mothers, who do not conceal a happy smile, floating in the pool with a glass in hand. Of course, this photograph was intended as a joke, but…


Study: to be a pet owner in new York – it’s expensive

August 9, 2017

For many of us Pets are real family members, but more fluffy, friendly and hugging, unlike some people. Naturally, nearly 85 million pet owners in the US would like to live in cities where their favorite furry companions can enjoy all the benefits of civilization at the most reasonable prices. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about new York, because the content of your pet in the Big Apple can…


President trump will again visit new York

August 9, 2017

President Donald trump will visit new York next week for «more meetings». He stated via Twitter on Monday. This will be the second visit by trump in his hometown after he became President. At a press conference Monday morning, mayor bill de Blasio said that the police will be ready to visit trump. However, when the President will arrive in the Big Apple – not reported. «The NYPD is the…


The worker of kindergarten forgot one of the kids in the van: child died

August 9, 2017

Three-year-old child in Orlando, FL, spent the whole day in a closed van and died yesterday, August 7th. This was announced by the chief of the Orlando police John Mina. Miles hill in two weeks would have turned four years old. An employee of the kindergarten took it in the morning, like other children, but didn’t notice that miles was left in the van when she brought out the rest…


Dentist treated seven patients, after drinking a bottle of vodka

August 8, 2017

In Mars, PA, the dentist managed to take seven patients before the staff of the center Refresh Dental Management saw the doctor – «drunk» drunk. They immediately called 911. According to The Butler Eagle, when the police arrived, the dentist – Gregory Bellotti – did not deny it and he admitted that he drank a bottle of vodka. He was taken to the hospital with alcohol poisoning. It is unknown…


The airline United was again in the center of the scandal

August 8, 2017

The carrier United Airlines was once again in the unpleasant situation that, this time, connected with the death of the animal. The airline, which is known for the worst death rate of Pets on Board their flights, this time is liable to the family of Houston for the death of 5-year-old Spaniel. Family Rasmussen blames United Airlines for the death of a beloved pet. According to ABC13, the dog was…


Man wants to sue his ex-fianc an engagement ring and a dog

August 8, 2017

Technical artist from Manhattan has filed a lawsuit against his ex-girlfriend, demanding that she return the engagement ring worth 48 $ 300 and his dog. 42-year-old Joe Di Tomaso said he and Jamie Cohen, his former fiancee, got engaged in 2013 after two years of relationship. He bought her an expensive ring and spent another $ 12,000 on the furniture in the apartment. But their relationship deteriorated and in June…


TOP 25 most safest cities in the United States

August 8, 2017

Over the last two decades the crime rate in the US declined sharply. According to statistics from the FBI, violent crime fell by 50% between 1993 and 2015. However, people’s perception of crime does not always coincide with the official statistics. For example, research conducted by the online Gallup, indicate that the majority of Americans from year to year I believe that crime rates have risen significantly compared to last…