Residents of the prestigious area of San Francisco found that their street someone bought …

August 8, 2017

Is it possible to buy the street? Residents of Presidio Terrace, private streets, one of the most exclusive communities in San Francisco, I learned the answer to this question from their own sad experience. After the homeowners ‘ Association did not pay taxes for 30 years, the road was sold at auction, according to the newspaper San Francisco Chronicle. A couple from San Jose bought it for 90 000 dollars….


In new York may receive a free pool in the middle of the river

August 8, 2017

New York is surrounded by water. However, swimming in the Hudson, as in any other natural body of water city, it’s hard not to count madness. In one of the largest port districts – port of new York and new Jersey – come thousands of ships, waste water manage to get into the river, bypassing the treatment plant, and occasionally on the surface of the body of the drowned man….


On long island ran a raccoon with a jar of peanut butter on his head (video)

August 8, 2017

In Farmingdale, long island, raccoon caught in a difficult (for him), but funny (for witnesses) regulations. Trying to eat the remnants of peanut butter from the jar, which was apparently thrown in the trash, the animal climbed to the jar head and, of course, stuck. In a panic, the raccoon ran through the yard of a house, while the witnesses of the incident called the public organization «Wild animals in…


Scandal in Google around the subject of gender

August 7, 2017

One of the engineers Google sent out by internal mail of the company a Manifesto, in which he expressed the opinion of why technology companies are so few women. Full 10-page text was published on Gizmodo. In his «essay-Manifesto,» an anonymous member says that women are much less represented in technical and IT-companies , not because they face bias and discrimination in the workplace, but because of the biological and…


The Navy veteran from Florida was forced to remove American flag from mailbox

August 7, 2017

82-year-old John Eckert from Hawaii, the former commander of the Navy, served in Vietnam, in 2013 he moved with his wife in Tallahassee, Florida. They bought a house and all seemingly was well until John had to face a Union of Southwood homeowners. As it turned out, there are standards, and representatives of the Union always ride in the Golf cart around the neighborhood, noting what houses do not meet…


Four people jumped off the George Washington bridge in new York

August 7, 2017

Fortunately, not for one day, but the trend is still disappointing. Another case of suicide occurred today, August 7, at dawn. As told to the port authority, a man about 30 years old climbed over the railing and jumped into the water. In the NYPD added that, as of 8 a.m., his body still not found, the search continues. In 2014, the year it was proposed to install on the…


Jackpots Mega Millions and Powerball has reached astronomical amounts

August 7, 2017

Passions around the Mega Millions and Powerball is heating up — the main prizes of the largest American lotteries reached a nine-digit amounts. If you’ve been wanting to try their luck, it was the right time to buy a ticket. At stake is hundreds of millions. On Friday, anyone not lucky enough to win jackpot Powerball, so it increased from $286 to $307 million. However, this is not the limit…


Escort robbed the company of a lover for $6 million

August 6, 2017

Crystal Lundberg, an employee of the escort services and a former employee of the company for the delivery of drugs from Buffalo Grove, Illinois, are accused of credit card fraud of the company, with whom the couple took $ 5.8 million. As reported by the Chicago Tribune, 43-year-old Kennedy worked as chief financial officer in the company Nemera when I met Crystal on the website which advertises sex and…


In metro San Francisco, the passenger was making oatmeal and was shaving (photo)

August 6, 2017

If you think that only in the subway of new York meet the amazing passengers whose behaviour causes fear, surprise or disgust, don’t despair – in San Francisco too, not all is quiet. Chris Watters, as usual, was driving to my job on BART (the Bart system in the Bay area of San Francisco), when the passenger sitting next to, suddenly got a bowl, where he was brewing the oatmeal….