More than 320 thousand new Yorkers spent the winter without heat and hot water

February 6, 2018

This winter more 320 thousand new Yorkers were left without heatings or hot water said the New York Daily News city Council member Alika Ampri-Samuel. It almost 80% residents of houses NYCHA — Control housing in new York. «When I saw this figure, 80% of residents without heat or hot water — I couldn’t think of anything to say. This is outrageous, said Ambri-Samuel. — There is a problem in…


McCain and coons introduced the bill to «dreamers» and border security

February 6, 2018

Republican John McCain and a Democrat Christopher Koons introduced in the Senate a new bill that would withdraw the us government from the impasse. The key points of the immigration agreement between the senators, the provision of permanent the legal status of the «dreamers» and strengthening security along the border with Mexico. So, in the event of implementation of the plan McCain-kun DACA participants who arrived in the U.S. after…


A snow storm claimed the lives of 13 people and coming to new York

February 6, 2018

Warning snow storm already operating in 28 States from Texas to Maine. In the Midwest — in the Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri — the weather has been the cause of many accidents in which 13 people were killed, according to ABC News. Only in Iowa last Monday was 185 accidents. Near Ames encountered about 30 cars, which led to the closure of the stretch of highway I-35. Another major accident…


Tinder will no longer be able to charge higher fees people over the age of 30

February 6, 2018

The California court ruled that the Dating app Tinder discriminare people on the basis of age. Since then, the company will not be able to take more money from the people who are older than 30 years. Allan Kandelor filed a lawsuit in February 2016, arguing that price differences Tinder Plus violates the civil rights Act state, which generally prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender, race, sexual orientation and…


A frightened horse caused the accident in new York

February 6, 2018

Activists animal rights call upon the authorities to establish greater control over coaches after three passengers one of the tour vehicles were injured after the horse, frightened by the umbrella staged accident on the road on Sunday afternoon. The incident occurred at 12:15. Police say the terrified animal ran through the southern part of Central Park, after which the carriage crashed into three parked cars. As a result of collision…


The owner of a Powerball jackpot of $559 million is suing the lottery for the right to remain anonymous

February 6, 2018

They say a lot of money disturb your healthy sleep. What happened to the winner Powerball from new Hampshire, early in the year hitting the jackpot in the amount of $559.7 million. Lucky he learned about the prize on 6 January. Not even being able to claim the prize, the woman was seriously concerned for my own safety. Fearing to be robbed or worse, the winner requires anonymity through the…


Cuomo banned the state to cooperate with organizations that promote discrimination

February 5, 2018

The Governor of the state of new York, Andrew Cuomo signed an order prohibiting the state from doing business with companies that promote or ignore cases discriminations and expressed his support of the bill, which would prohibit legal use «gay panic» (a motive for justification for the crime, when the orientation of the victim is called as a cause of aggression of the attacker) while defending in court. In a…


Research | rental housing in new York rose sharply because of Airbnb

February 5, 2018

Significant rent increases in new York partly due to online platform to search for housing Airbnb, according to the report of McGill University. The results of the research activities of Airbnb since September 2014 to August 2017 for 3 years and the owners of about 13 thousand apartments left a long-term rental market in the Big Apple by going for short term rental via Airbnb. With the reduction long-term hire…


In North Carolina for incest arrested married father and daughter

February 5, 2018

42-year-old Steven Plant of northern carolina and his 20-year-old daughter Katie was arrested on charges of incest. The maximum punishment for an incestuous relationship in Virginia, where he started their relationship and where they are charged with is 10 years imprisonment. Parents refused to Cathy when she was a baby, according to WNCN-TV. The girl grew up in a foster family and from your father’s was found only in 2016,…


On the streets of Philadelphia football fans rioted after the super bowl in 2018

February 5, 2018

In the night of Monday Philadelphia literally blazed. On the streets tens of thousands of fans celebrating the victory Eagles in Superbowl-2018. The Philadelphia team beat the Boston New England Patriots with a score of 41:33 and for the first time in its history won the Superbowl. In polutoramillionnom the city began Bedlam: burning cars, gaping emptiness broken Windows… A dozen raging fans climbed onto the awning at the entrance…