The upstate new York woman stuck in her house due to snow blockages

December 28, 2017

During the holiday week, the Arctic front brought in the Central and Eastern States frost and abundant rainfall. Those who dreamed of a white Christmas, got what he wanted in full. However, sometimes nature is overdone. This is what happened in the town of Lorraine in upstate new York, who filled a two-meter layer of snow. On Wednesday a local woman needed the help of rescuers to get out of…


Putin called the blast in a supermarket in St. Petersburg with the attack

December 28, 2017

Explosion in the supermarket «Perekrestok» in St. Petersburg was a terrorist attack. On this day, 28 December, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. He also added that another attack was averted — the Associated Press reports. At least 13 people were injured as a result of triggering an explosive device in the Luggage of a supermarket. Experts said that the device contained more than 200 grams of explosives, in…


The world’s smallest inhabited island is in new York

December 28, 2017

Until recently, the smallest inhabited island in the world was considered «Cliff Bishop», located on the South-West of England. However, this year everything changed. New the smallest inhabited island named island located on the St. Lawrence river between Canada and the United States, which got quite eloquent name — «Just Room Enough Island» (an island one room). The island


On the border with Mexico have arrested a woman who was carrying half a million dollars in cash

December 28, 2017

It turns out, to run away to Mexico with a suitcase of money is not easy. Before Christmas, this idea failed for the 35-year-old woman. 20 December the border guards detained a motorist on suspicion of smuggling — she had $532 596 in cash. Authorities believe that the money was derived from illegal drug sales. According to a press release from U.S. customs, the suspect stopped when she was driving…


In upstate new York are investigating the murder of an entire family

December 28, 2017

Home owner in Troy, 16 kilometers from the state capital city of Albany, was found dead in their martirosyants in the basement. Police arrived and ambulance service found two women aged 22 and 36 years. In addition to adults, in the basement were found the bodies of children older women. The girl was only five years old, and her brother eleven. All four were killed with special cruelty. The names…


Dozens of people were outside in the cold due to three fires in the Bronx

December 28, 2017

Early this Wednesday morning, dozens of residents of the Bronx were forced to run outside in the cold in some, bathrobes and Slippers, to escape the fire. Fires broke out in two apartment buildings and the Laundry room. The first call came from the 700 block of garden street just before 4:00 lit building. #FDNY members on the scene this morning of a 3-alarm fire, 795 Garden street. #Bronx. Currently…


New year in new York are expected extreme cold

December 28, 2017

If the March on times Square — a mandatory element of your new year’s entertainment programs — how you can dress warmer. Forecasters warn that the street will be a strong frost. New York’s Department of emergency management recommends that you prepare for extreme cold. By the end of this year and early next, the average temperature in the region will stay within — 7.2 °C (15°F), and new year’s…


A picture of a giant phallus on the wall of the new York house caused controversy

December 28, 2017

Art should not leave people indifferent — street art in the Lower East side coped with this task on hurrah. Sunday on the wall of an apartment building on Broome street appeared the image of a giant phallus. The creation of Swedish artist Carolina Facolt immediately caused a heated discussion. The public reaction has been mixed: while some were in awe of the skill of the author, others found the…


Traditions: how to celebrate New year in the world

December 28, 2017

The loudest celebration, which annually manages to gather at the table for several generations, to fill our stomachs week supply of food for one night, to give so much warmth and delight children. How celebrate New year in America and the rest of the world? France In France particularly like to rest during the new year holidays so that they begin on December 6 — St. Nicholas day. From this…


MTA proposes $ 1 million for the best ideas on the modernisation of the metro

December 28, 2017

In may, the MTA announced a competition called Genius Transit Challenge, the participants have the opportunity to win $ 1 million. All that is necessary is to present all of the options to improve new York. Transport company offers three categories in which you can show your creativity and ingenuity is the modernization of the signal system, the MTA, the reconstruction of the subway cars and the improvement of communication…