Teachers will be instructed on how to behave in case of mass shooting by means of computer simulation (video)

December 28, 2017

The U.S. army and the Department of homeland security has created a computer simulator that trains teachers how best to react in a situation when the school shooting happens. The program, worth 5.6 million dollars, is called the «Enhanced dynamic geo-social environment» or «EDGE». It is similar to that used by the army for training soldiers for combat operations, the development of different tactics and strategies of behavior in the…


Obama is ahead of trump in the rating «the most respected men of the United States»

December 28, 2017

The results of a survey conducted by Gallup, shows that former US President Barack Obama is «the most respected man in America» in 2017 and he gets the title for the tenth year in a row. The survey is conducted annually since 1946. Respondents are asked to independently name the name of the most distinguished men and most admired women in America. Then people have to determine the names of…


Cost $ 50 the cure for cancer has risen 15 times

December 28, 2017

Lomustine is a medicine, which is taking for cancer (such as brain tumors or Hodgkin’s disease), increased in price by 1400%, as reported by the Wall Street Journal. The drug more than 40 years, and with the end of the patent protection ceased to be available version, which is sold under the original brand name CeeNU. Lomustine sold by the firm Bristol-Myers Squibb under the name CeeNU to 2014 year…


A resident of Colorado so originally decorated the house for Christmas that passers-by called 911

December 28, 2017

If people stop to admire the way you decorated the house for Christmas, of course, is good. But if people call 911… What started as a joke, and alarmed the population of the city of Boulder, Colorado. Local resident, Chris Olson, decorating the house, decided to play a trick on his wife. «My father was a great sense of humor, loved practical jokes. In General, I grew up with a…


Jackpots Mega Millions and Powerball has increased to $640 million

December 28, 2017

They say Christmas and new year holidays – is a magical time, when everyone make a wish. Well, if you dreamed at least once to win in the lottery, it’s time to try your luck. This week jackpots Mega Millions and Powerball has increased to exorbitant sums, making together more than $ 640 million. As reported АВС7, the next Mega Millions drawing, which was held on Tuesday, December 26, in…


The corpse of a whale washed ashore on long island

December 28, 2017

The body of a female humpback whale Tuesday at seven o’clock in the morning it was discovered on the shore of Atlantic Beach, long island. The giant weighs about thirty tons. Length of a mammal is approximately nine meters. Most likely, it was a teenager. The animal was found lying on her back. On the upper part of his body had a lot of shells and shellfish. «Usually, a dead…


Monk, rescuing history from ISIS

December 28, 2017

The American monk Columba Stewart already for thirteen years, save the ancient manuscripts from various natural disasters. Recently the main threat to the preservation of manuscripts was the work of the Islamic state, which destroys everything that is not written in the Koran. Therefore, a monk of the Benedictine order is trying to save not only Christian artifacts, but Muslim. The theme of ancient texts range from poetry to medical…


Huckabee compared the tramp with Churchill

December 28, 2017

Mike Huckabee, the former Governor of Arkansas, recently seeing a feature film about Winston Churchill’s «Darkest Hour» (the»Dark ages»), compared the Prime Minister with President Donald trump. Churchill was hated by his own party, opposition party, and press. Feared by the King as reckless, and despised for his bluntness. But unlike Neville Chamberlain, he didn’t retreat. We had a Chamberlain for 8 yrs; in @realDonaldTrump we have a Churchill. —…


The suppliers declare the decline in demand for iPhone X

December 28, 2017

Taiwan’s Economic Daily on Monday released a report on the disparity between sales of the flagship Apple predictions. Citing an unknown source, the report says the original plan to sell 50 million iPhone X for the quarter. By the end of December the preliminary results of sales account for only 30 million units, more than in 1,5 times less. It seriously damaged the value of the shares of the Asian…