On the border with Mexico migrant died of a gunshot wound of the border guard

Migrant killed in Rio Bravo (TX) shot in the head, carried out by an agent of the border patrol. The incident occurred in broad daylight and was partially filmed by a random witness. According to representatives of customs and border protection (A us Customs and Border Patrol – CBP), the message was received about the illegal activities, and verifying headed one of the agents of the customs service. Near the…

May 25, 2018

In 2018, expect a severe US hurricane season

May 25, 2018

National oceanic and atmospheric administration (NOAA) issued a forecast for the upcoming hurricane season. There is 35% probability that this season will exceed the norm by the number of storms and hurricanes. Although it is hoped about 40%, the indicators will remain average for the season. The chance that the number of storms will be less than the usual norm, is equal to 25%. Hurricane season in the Atlantic starts…


8 women have accused Morgan Freeman sexual harassment

Another scandal involving an American movie star is gaining momentum in the United States. This time the pass was the famous actor Morgan Freeman. 8 women stated that he had behaved towards them in an inappropriate manner and accused him of sexual harassment. All the victims had contact with him on the filming. In comments to CNN, each of them confirmed that the actor regularly released comments on the figure…

May 25, 2018

Top 10 places Americans choose to relax on memorial Day

May 25, 2018

Summer is just around the corner! But even closer — touching memorial Daythat in 2018 we will celebrate on may 28. What does this mean for us? First of all, the opportunity to honor the memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for justice. And we have a long weekend! And it is not necessary to hold it at home. Change the usual picture — visit a…


Obama said that when there is no drama, unlike trump

The former us leader, speaking at an event in Las Vegas, joked with regard to the situation in which Donald trump. According to him, he always tried to find a common language with his advisers and listened to their opinions. Obama believes that it is for this reason, the White house was the epicenter of political scandals. «There has not been any evil intent, so I didn’t have scandals. I…

May 25, 2018

Top 10 places Americans choose to relax on memorial Day

May 25, 2018

Summer is just around the corner! But even closer — touching memorial Daythat in 2018 we will celebrate on may 28. What does this mean for us? First of all, the opportunity to honor the memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for justice. And we have a long weekend! And it is not necessary to hold it at home. Change the usual picture — visit a…


Donald trump: the U.S. army will respond to any «reckless actions» of North Korea

The President of the United States of America commented on the situation with the cancellation of the summit in Singapore. Speaking at the White house, the President noted that the U.S. military is ready to respond with force to any provocative actions of North Korea. According to trump, the cancellation of the planned summit is a big step backwards for the country , Kim Jong-UN and the whole world. The…

May 24, 2018

Trump is talking again about closing the lottery green card

Donald trump stated that the lottery green cards «horrible», and it’s time to close. The President also added that he opposes any immigration legislation that does not include the construction of a «real wall» along the Mexican border. About Donald trump told today, may 24, in an interview with «Fox & Friends». «If the law is spelled out real, real wall; if it does not improve the protection of our…

May 24, 2018

North Korea threatened US with nuclear war and blew up the tunnel at the site of Pungere

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of North Korea called the statements of the Vice-President of the USA Mike Pence, comparing North Korea to Libya, «stupid and ignorant». Also Choi Seon-Hee said that his behavior USA can provoke a «nuclear war». Today, may 24, were dismantling the North Korean polygon , Pungere (Ripple-ri), where North Korea conducted 6 nuclear tests. This event took place in the presence of international journalists, including…

May 24, 2018