In Hawaii, the explosion of «lava bombs» 12 people were injured

The unpleasant surprise came from the volcano of Kilauea, which for the last 2 months of actively spewing lava. According to local media, the explosion of the so-called «lava bombs«, have suffered a pleasure boat carrying a large number of passengers. In total were injured 12 people, most of whom suffered minor injuries. While 3 passengers are in serious condition. One of them is 20-year-old girl who was pronounced a…

July 17, 2018

Chicago was beaten to death by father 43 children

15 Jul 63-year-old father of 43 children John herring was found dead at his home in West Chicago. The man known as Nicholas , was found with a head injury at his apartment in North Leamington Avenue in the South Austin. Family members reported that he had 43 children. His daughter Gwen Bridgeport said he had lived a long time in the area. According to her, he was known in…

July 17, 2018

A green card does not guarantee protection from deportation

According to the updated Memorandum of Service, citizenship and US immigration (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services — USCIS), a Green Card is not for migrants insurance policy from deportation. Holders of green cards may be deported from the USA if they are found in violation of the rules for receiving benefits under Federal programs. As reported in the Memorandum, USCIS, immigrants abusing «any program that is associated with obtaining public…

July 17, 2018

A green card does not guarantee protection from deportation

According to the updated Memorandum of Service, citizenship and US immigration (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services — USCIS), a Green Card is not for migrants insurance policy from deportation. Holders of green cards may be deported from the USA if they are found in violation of the rules for receiving benefits under Federal programs. As reported in the Memorandum, USCIS, immigrants abusing «any program that is associated with obtaining public…

July 17, 2018

A green card does not guarantee protection from deportation

According to the updated Memorandum of Service, citizenship and US immigration (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services — USCIS), a Green Card is not for migrants insurance policy from deportation. Holders of green cards may be deported from the USA if they are found in violation of the rules for receiving benefits under Federal programs. As reported in the Memorandum, USCIS, immigrants abusing «any program that is associated with obtaining public…

July 17, 2018

Top 8 the most beautiful natural pools in the state of new York

July 16, 2018

Summer in 2018, began in new York, as always, suddenly. After a rather cool may, no one expected that in June in the Big Apple come debilitating heat. The day temperature reached +33°C in the shade! Anyone with not working conditioning, I wanted to shake in the bath homemade ice reserves and to arrange Spa at home. With the arrival of July, the temperature began to gradually decline. It is…


Top 8 the most beautiful natural pools in the state of new York

July 16, 2018

Summer in 2018, began in new York, as always, suddenly. After a rather cool may, no one expected that in June in the Big Apple come debilitating heat. The day temperature reached +33°C in the shade! Anyone with not working conditioning, I wanted to shake in the bath homemade ice reserves and to arrange Spa at home. With the arrival of July, the temperature began to gradually decline. It is…


Trump said that he has no competitors in the presidential election of 2020

On 13 July, in an interview with the Mail on Sunday, Donald trump announced his intention to run for U.S. President for a second term. The American leader is sure that in the race to 2020 he does not and will not be worthy contenders among the Democrats. «I don’t see anybody. I know them all, and I don’t see nobody», — said the President of the United States journalist…

July 16, 2018

Donald trump doesn’t expect much from the meeting with Putin

The US President said to CBS News that goes to a meeting with Vladimir Putin, «not expecting much». Interview Donald trump gave on Saturday, July 14, the day after Deputy attorney General Rod Rosenstein filed 12 Russians accused of interfering in the U.S. presidential election in 2016. We will remind, the meeting of the presidents of the USA and Russia will take place tomorrow, July 16, in the capital of…

July 16, 2018

The CSI helped to solve a strange murder in Florida

July 16, 2018

Last winter, in the city of West palm beach (FL), was found shot to death 71-year-old Alan J. Abrahamson. Everything pointed to the fact that it was murder. The body found no suicide note, no murder weapon. Investigating the circumstances of the death Abrahamson, the police noticed some oddities. First, on the jacket of the killed was found a thin red mark like someone spent on clothes stained with blood…