Lottery for affordable housing in Brooklyn for rent budget apartments with two heating systems

After a small lull in the market of budget new York real estate , a new proposal. This time it is not calculated for low-income new Yorkers, and for tenants with incomes above the average — there must ever fall out best options for them. After the September 30 winners of raffle city lottery of affordable housing located in Bushwick, Brooklyn, at 618 BUSHWICK AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY 11206 BUSHWICK SOUTH….

July 15, 2018

Moving to the USA | How to turn the dream into a nightmare

The welfare of the citizens and residents of the richest and most influential country in the world makes residents of other States to break away from their homes and fly over the ocean. However, between the American dream and the American nightmare — a very fine line. How to move to the United States without incident? What challenges face the newly formed residents? What to prepare for and what will…

July 14, 2018

Marriage to an American: what to ask in an interview for a green card

Many people around the world today believe in the American dream. For them it is a synonym for a new, better life. And to achieve its goal, the aliens are coming on a variety of tricks, including trying to obtain a green cardby engaging in a marriage with a US citizen. The immigration service (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services — USCIS) are well aware of the desire of people in…

July 14, 2018

What are the equivalents of «our» medicines you can buy in the US?

Some drugs take US from headaches and allergies? How to replace a reliable and trusted Citramon? Moving is serious business. The immigrant does not become in one day. Often this process stretched on for years. Suppose you have not yet passed all the major stages of socialization in a new place in the US, although they’re in the country legally, have a permanent residence and stable income. One day you…

July 14, 2018

Moving to the USA | How to turn the dream into a nightmare

The welfare of the citizens and residents of the richest and most influential country in the world makes residents of other States to break away from their homes and fly over the ocean. However, between the American dream and the American nightmare — a very fine line. How to move to the United States without incident? What challenges face the newly formed residents? What to prepare for and what will…

July 14, 2018

Marriage to an American: what to ask in an interview for a green card

Many people around the world today believe in the American dream. For them it is a synonym for a new, better life. And to achieve its goal, the aliens are coming on a variety of tricks, including trying to obtain a green cardby engaging in a marriage with a US citizen. The immigration service (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services — USCIS) are well aware of the desire of people in…

July 14, 2018

What are the equivalents of «our» medicines you can buy in the US?

Some drugs take US from headaches and allergies? How to replace a reliable and trusted Citramon? Moving is serious business. The immigrant does not become in one day. Often this process stretched on for years. Suppose you have not yet passed all the major stages of socialization in a new place in the US, although they’re in the country legally, have a permanent residence and stable income. One day you…

July 14, 2018

Marriage to an American: what to ask in an interview for a green card

Many people around the world today believe in the American dream. For them it is a synonym for a new, better life. And to achieve its goal, the aliens are coming on a variety of tricks, including trying to obtain a green cardby engaging in a marriage with a US citizen. The immigration service (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services — USCIS) are well aware of the desire of people in…

July 14, 2018

What are the equivalents of «our» medicines you can buy in the US?

Some drugs take US from headaches and allergies? How to replace a reliable and trusted Citramon? Moving is serious business. The immigrant does not become in one day. Often this process stretched on for years. Suppose you have not yet passed all the major stages of socialization in a new place in the US, although they’re in the country legally, have a permanent residence and stable income. One day you…

July 14, 2018

The construction of the Trump Tower in Toronto sponsored by investors close to the Russian leadership

July 14, 2018

Journalists of the popular edition of the Financial Times conducted an investigation, during which described in detail the relationship of the U.S. President and the businessman of Russian origin Alex Schneider. Mainly employees of FT are based on legal documents, interviews, and records of court proceedings. According to information provided by reporters, Schneider held a secret payment of $100 million to an intermediary who had contact with the «investors from…