Turn for money: how much to pay Line Sitters on thanksgiving Day and Black Friday

Everyone knows the phrase «Laziness is the engine of progress». But this human feature may encourage the creation of not only new gadgets to make life easier, but unexpected professions. So, thanks to laziness in the twenty-first century there were professional placeholders in the queue — the so-called Line Sitters. Especially relevant is the work on the eve of Black Friday, when people often in the evening take a turn….

November 22, 2018

In Ohio are considering a bill that allows to demand the death penalty as a punishment for abortion

Human rights organizations are seriously concerned about the situation in Ohio due to recently was a bill regarding the topic of abortion. According to this document, the fetus in the womb of a woman propose to consider the «unborn person», which automatically makes abortion murder. The authors of the bill also require that the state be allowed to press criminal charges against the women and doctors who carry out such…

November 22, 2018

This city in the US, not seeing the sun for 65 days

November 22, 2018

If you biorhythms — owl, perhaps you should think about how to spend the winter in Northern Alaska? On Sunday, the city of Utqiagvik (formerly barrow) in Alaska saw his last sunrise and sunset this year. For 65 days in the city with a population of over 4 million people will be dominated by the polar night. As told by the meteorologist Judson Jones, «polar night,» is a General term…


A young girl, a NYPD officer, died suddenly from a mysterious disease

Representatives of the police Department of new York (New York City Police Department, NYPD) announced about the tragic accident that took the life of one of the officers. A young girl died from an unknown disease, the aggravation of which in just a few hours brought her to the grave. Posted by Jim Kelly on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 29-year-old Brittany Gromazin served in the 121 precinct, and was characterized…

November 22, 2018

The American, who worked as nanny, was sentenced to 20 years for molesting baby

November 22, 2018

32-year-old Thomas James Sprenger from Georgia was sentenced to 20 years in prison for sexual abuse of two children committed more than 30 times. According to court documents, the incidents occurred more than ten years ago, when Sprenger nursed two babies. In one case, he wrote about his crimes in a journal, which later broke up. However, a family member found the pieces and put together this «puzzle». Reading the…


To kill and burn: the shocking details of the massacre of the rich family from new Jersey

November 22, 2018

Law enforcement agencies have published information according to which yesterday’s fire in the multimillion-dollar mansion in colts Neck (new Jersey) was a deliberate arson. In addition, the police said that on the estate found the bodies of 4 people. All of them are members of the same family that owned this house. Brutally massacred, then burned the mansion. The police said that colts Neck had been a slaughter, and the…


Half a century later, DNA helped solve the murder of a student, committed in 1969

The latest DNA examination has allowed to establish who was raped and murdered in 1969 (!) year student at Harvard University Jane Sanders Britton. As the killer of 23-year-old girl was identified a serial rapist Michael Sumpter. «50 years detectives continued to investigate the murder, which then excited the public of Cambridge — said the middlesex County district attorney Marian Ryan. — I am happy to report that the mystery…

November 21, 2018

A US court has dropped the charges with the members of the sect in connection with the ritual circumcision of girls

November 21, 2018

On 20 November, a Federal judge in Detroit , Bernard Friedman dismissed some of the charges on the first in the history of the United States criminal case against ritual FGM girls. According to the court, to prohibit female circumcision is unconstitutional. In April 2017, were arrested by the emergency physician joumana of Nagarwala. According to prosecutors, the therapist Fakhruddin Attar has allowed Nagarwala the hospital his wife in Livonia…


The homeless of Los Angeles paid cigarettes for the fake signatures on the election

For the fake signatures on the registration forms of voters and various petitions homeless people from Skid row in Los Angeles (CA) received money and cigarettes. This occurred both during the presidential elections in 2016, and during the midterm elections in 2018, said the prosecutors. District of Skid row, known as a habitat of most of the homeless of the city of angels. Charges the suspect was charged 3 weeks…

November 21, 2018

5 the most spectacular ice castles in the U.S. to see this winter

If you think about how that we associate with winter, most memory emerge the same images: Christmas tree, snowman, sleds and skates, and ice castles. Someone did them myself, with friends or family, and someone was just admiring their beauty or participated in snow battles.Of course it is good if you have the time and opportunity to engage in «construction», and if not, I recommend you to visit one of…

November 21, 2018