Dr. Manhattan was illegally writing prescriptions for oxycodone

June 7, 2017

On Monday, police arrested a doctor from Manhattan who illegally wrote thousands of prescriptions for opioidssuch as oxycodone. The prosecution claims that the suspect did it without appropriate medical indications. Dr. Martin Tesher wrote more than 14 thousand prescriptions for oxycodone (more than 2.2 million tablets) valued at more than $ 20 million for the period from June 2012 to January 2017. The Prosecutor’s office of the Eastern district say…


In new York city will prohibit early marriage

June 6, 2017

This week , the Assembly of the state of new York will consider a bill that raises the age at which permitted to marry. It is expected that the bill will be passed, the state’s Governor Andrew Cuomo called it a «priority,» writes Daily News. Under current law, the age of consent in new York for marriage is 18 years. But, beginning at age 14, Teens can also marry by…


The police will start writing tickets for violation of Parking rules

June 5, 2017

Starting Monday, a team of police officers will patrol the streets of new York and if they see illegally parked police car or personal vehicles of officers, immediately prescribe a penalty. The initiative of creation of such units in the police, who will fine the detention order, belongs to mayor De Blasio. He insisted on 8 sergeants, and 8 officers and employees of traffic police patrolled the streets and penalize…


In California can cancel the daylight saving time

June 3, 2017

California a step closer to the abolition of daylight saving time. Legislative act 807, the author of which is a member of the legislative Assembly of the state of Chu Kansen, offers to cancel the initiative of 1949, which established daylight saving time in California. Legislation was supported by 48 votes to 6. Now he will fall for consideration in the state Senate. If it approves, the act Annuls the…


The Brooklyn resident was sentenced to 22 years for fatal beating of nephew

June 3, 2017

Thursday, June 1, the court sentenced the 24-year-old Kristen Dale, residing in the Brooklyn district Brownsville, to 22 years in prison for manslaughter of her 4-year-old nephew. The incident occurred in 2015. Dale lived in the same house with his sister Natasha Ali and nephew Ethan. She often watched him when his sisters were not home. Two weeks before the death of Ethan’s Kristen began to teach his oral spelling,…


In new York, will introduce common standards of nutrition for all students

June 2, 2017

A new law in new York city introduces a programme of free and affordable Lunches for all students. The recent initiative finally took the form of the law and now children from poor families, I guess its creators, you will not suffer from discrimination and segregation. The new legislation introduced a ban on «special» relation to the children receiving free Lunches due to low income of their family. Now they…


A policeman is accused of murdering a mentally unstable woman

June 2, 2017

Police in new York is accused of murdering an elderly woman suffering from mental illness. 31-year-old Sergeant Hugh Barry was charged with the murder of 66-year-old resident of the Bronx , Deborah Danner, committed on 18 October 2016. On the day when Danner was killed, the NYPD received a call from the house where lived the woman. Applying said Danner «mentally unbalanced» and is located in the bedroom of his…


For US visas will have to submit their accounts in social networks for 5 years

June 2, 2017

In the administration of Donald trump has launched a new questionnaire for applicants for U.S. visas worldwide, according to Reuters. Now the questionnaire asks for information on activity in the social networks of the applicant for five years, and biographical information you need to provide over the past 15 years. A new questionnaire was approved, despite criticism from scientists and representatives of the Ministry of education. Critics have argued that…


De Blasio signed the law on the rights of workers fast-food

June 1, 2017

Mayor bill de Blasio on Tuesday signed a law prohibiting the indiscriminate shifts in shifts for workers of fast foods. Under the new legislation, called the mayor a «fair», employers are obliged to warn in advance of the employee’s shift at work and need to go to the workplace at an unplanned time. If the schedule change occurred without notice to the employee, the latter is entitled to bonus. Also…


The courts of San Francisco do not pursue the homeless

June 1, 2017

The US judicial system makes timid attempts of reform, trying to reduce the burden of penalties and fees imposed on citizens. The catalyst for this process were the riots in Ferguson (Missouri) in 2014, after which many went to jail for failing to pay fines. The courts of San Francisco virtually ceased to issue warrants for the arrest of people who are not able to pay fines for minor violations:…