Trump pardoned former police Commissioner of new York Bernie Kerika and former Governor of Illinois Blagojevich

President Donald trump before heading to a four-day vacation on the West coast, has pardoned 11 people, including the former police Commissioner of new York Bernie Kerika, the former Governor of Illinois the kind of Blagojevich and former owner of football club «San Francisco 49ers» Eddie Debartolo Jr. The white house on Tuesday, February 18, announced the pardon of Debartolo, who was convicted in 1998 on charges of fraud with…

February 19, 2020

The campaign Manager trump has deleted the picture of US air force aircraft after people pointed out that this is a photo from 2004

The campaign Manager of President Donald trump deleted the tweet, with impressive picture of Air Force One at Daytona 500 after users pointed out that this picture was taken during the visit of President George Bush at a NASCAR race in 2004. Brad Parscale posted a photo 2004, which shows that VVS-1 to rise above the crowd in the international motorway Daytona, Florida, and signed: «Donald trump has won the…

February 18, 2020

In North Korea, executed official for use of the public bath after returning from China

An official from North Korea were executed for the use of the public bath after his return from China. For violation of the law of Kim Jong-UN quarantine, the man was immediately arrested and sentenced to death. Besides, it became known is another case of the punishment that is associated with travel to China for North Koreans: another official was sent to labor camp for trying to hide their travel…

February 14, 2020

The commander of the Space Force said that the Russian satellites dolls pursue multibillion-dollar U.S. spy satellite

According to the commander of Space forces (Space Force), the latest military service of the United States, Russian satellites demonstrate the «unusual and disturbing behavior.» Strange Russian spacecraft follow the American spy satellite. Pair of Russian satellites (Space Space, 2542 and 2543) pursuing multi-billion dollar us satellite (KH-11 / США245), located hundreds of miles from the Earth’s surface. This was stated by the chief military commander of the United States,…

February 11, 2020

The new budget trump: reducing assistance to other countries and exchange programs students

President trump will achieve a significant reduction of assistance to other States for $11.7 billion in the annual Federal budget, which will be published this week. The proposed reduction of 21% will be achieved mainly due to failure on aid in the economic development of other countries. «Very often this just does not help serves an important purpose, said The Post senior administration official Donald trump. — It is obvious…

February 10, 2020

Donald trump stated that his viral photo is a «fake news»

Donald trump immediately responded to the viral photo, which shows that his face just 2 shades. He called the «fake news». If you have used social media in past couple of days, you probably know what kind of frame it is. It was made on 7 February, when the President returned to the White house. The caption read: «Donald trump returns to the White house from Charlotte, North Carolina. Photo…

February 10, 2020

The Iraq war cost each American taxpayer $8 thousand

The war in Iraq has cost the United States nearly $2 trillion, roughly $8,000 for every U.S. taxpayer. According to the analysis and the January report of the project The Cost of Wars, this amount includes the increase in base budget funding from the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for international development (USAID), bonuses for re-call, the health care costs for veterans of the military actions, as well…

February 6, 2020

Impeachment will not be the Senate acquitted trump on both articles

Just a couple of minutes after the Senate voted for acquittal of the President on both articles of impeachment, Donald trump tweeted a video showing a mock cover of Time magazine in which it was assumed that he would become President «4EVA». «As tranism going through the trump,» reads the headline on the cover. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2020 Trump added in a second tweet that…

February 6, 2020

«Trump may return to Alaska»: the democratic Congressman warned that the President of the United States is counting on Russia’s support in the elections

February 5, 2020

A democratic politician and the speaker of the impeachment in the U.S. House of representatives Adam Schiff warned that nothing will prevent the President of the United States Donald Trump to make more bold attempts at the seizure of power, for example, it can use Alaska as a bargaining chip to get Russia’s support in the elections in 2020. Schiff put forward his hypothesis on Monday, February 3, at the…


The speaker of the house of representatives Nancy Pelosi broke it trump «the state of Affairs in the country»

Shortly after the speaker of the house of representatives Nancy Pelosi ripped my copy of the speech of the President of the United States Donald trump’s «the state of Affairs in the country». The official account of the White house on Twitter has already reacted to this incident. When trump finished his speech, Pelosi standing behind him, ripped his copy of the «state» in half. WATCH: Nancy Pelosi rips up…

February 5, 2020