The United States signed an agreement with the Taliban and unable to completely withdraw troops from Afghanistan

On Saturday, February 29, the United States signed a historic agreement with the rebels of the Taliban, which could pave the way for the full withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan over the next 14 months and be a step towards ending 18 years of war. However, many expect that the negotiations between various Afghan parties would be much more difficult. The agreement was signed in the Qatari capital Doha,…

February 29, 2020

The Minister responsible for the suppression of outbreaks of coronavirus in Iran were infected COVID-19

The Deputy Minister of health of Iran, Iraj of Hariri received a positive result for coronavirus COVID-19. Of the infection, the Deputy Minister had announced on the next day after journalists noticed him sweating at a press conference on the outbreak of the disease in the country. LATEST: #Iran»s deputy health minister Irraj Harirchi confirms he has contracted #coronavirus, been placed in quarantine. Footage from a press release held on…

February 26, 2020

Trump argues that the United States is «very close» to developing a vaccine against coronavirus Covid-19

Amid growing fears that the coronavirus outbreak could become a pandemic, the US President , Donald trump defended nearly two dozen of the infected Americans that returned home. The American leader said that «we are very close to [the development of] a vaccine». The white house later claimed that trump was referring to Ebola, not death COVID-19. During a press conference in India, the President was asked to comment on…

February 25, 2020

The US authorities want to prosecute Assange on charges of espionage. It may wait up to 175 years in prison

As reported by NBC, the U.S. government intends to prosecute WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for publishing classified documents that have put people’s lives at risk. This was stated by the lawyer representing the States, at the hearing on the issue of Assange’s extradition to the USA on Monday in a courtroom in London. «Reporting or journalism is not an excuse for criminal activity or license for a violation of the…

February 25, 2020

The UK has introduced a new passport after Brexit: the design is French-Dutch, made in Poland

After Brexit, the UK begins a new life with a brand new dark blue passports. The document is markedly different from the Burgundy-red passport of the European Union. According to the New York Daily, Saturday the state Secretary of the Ministry of internal Affairs Priti Patel announced that the passport produced by the French-Dutch company in Poland, will be available by early March. «I really like the new British passport…

February 24, 2020

How to evacuate from Wuhan in different countries

Authorities in many countries of the world stated in January of the intention to withdraw from China its citizens due to the spread of the coronavirus. About it reports Reuters. Evacuated foreigners from Wuhan — the epicenter of the emergence and spread of coronavirus mainly diplomatic mission embassies. Now the city is closed on quarantine. It has a population of 11 million people. USA: the evacuation of Americans The first…

February 21, 2020

«He will lift the sanctions against Russia and bring Putin to the White house»: Maxine waters – about a possible second term trump

A member of the house of representatives from California Maxine waters urged Americans not to elect a President Donald trump for a second term, otherwise the country could «be at risk four-year constitutional crisis.» Waters, a longtime critic of the President said on MSNBC Wednesday that trump after his acquittal by the Senate is interested in establishing closer ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Congresswoman added that trump will…

February 20, 2020

A man from India prays to the statue of Donald trump, calling him «God»

A man from India thinks Donald trump his «God»: he prays daily to the statue of the President, and even built him an altar in my garden. 37-year-old Bossa kṛṣṇa began to worship the Trump four years ago, when he came to him in a dream, then Bussa decided to build the altar of his God. He hired 15 workers, who for months sculpted the statue of the President at…

February 20, 2020

In Miami arrested the Mexican, who is suspected of spying for Russia

U.S. authorities in Miami (Florida) arrested a Mexican nationalwho is suspected that he was recruited by a government official of Russia. It is reported by the U.S. Department of justice. Hector Alejandro Cabrera Fuentes, a resident of Singapore and a citizen of Mexico, was arrested Sunday after he arrived at Miami international airport with his wife, and therefrom to fly to Mexico city. According to the statement of the Ministry…

February 19, 2020