The Chinese diplomat admitted that the coronavirus in Wuhan was initially able to import from the United States military

The Chinese diplomat said that the armed forces of the United States was initially able to deliver new coronavirus in China. Speaking before more than 300 thousand followers on Twitter, the official representative of the foreign Ministry of China Zhao Lijiang has posted a video of Robert Redfield, Director of the US Centers for control and prevention (CDC), speaking before a congressional Committee on March 11. According to Redfield, some…

March 13, 2020

The United States and Canada intercepted Russian spy planes near Alaska

Command aerospace defense North America (NORAD) reports that U.S. and canadian fighter jets intercepted two Russian warplanes near Alaska and followed them for several hours, reports the New York Post. Two reconnaissance aircraft Tu-142 entered the zone of identification of air defense of Alaska Monday, prompting the command of America and Canada to launch an American stealth aircraft F-22 Raptor and the canadian hornets CF-18. In addition to this, NORAD…

March 11, 2020

Three members of the Royal family was arrested in Saudi Arabia

Three high-ranking members of the Royal family of Saudi Arabia, including the king’s brother, was arrested for unknown reasons. Two of the arrested men was one of the most influential figures in the Kingdom. Detention associated with crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. In 2017, dozens of Saudi Royal figures, Ministers and businessmen were arrested at the Ritz-Carlton in Riyadh after the crown Prince ordered the arrest of them. Mohammed bin…

March 7, 2020

Trump signed a bill to combat coronavirus in the amount of $8.3 billion

Friday, March 6, the President of the United States Donald trump signed the bill on the costs of combating the spread of the novel coronavirus. America will allocate $8.3 billion for prevention and research in the hope of a quick production of a vaccine against the deadly disease. According to the Associated Press, trump told journalists that there is concern that an employee of the Center for control and prevention…

March 7, 2020

Primaries in the United States: Joe Biden wins in Texas, Bernie Sanders in California

Former us Vice-President Joe Biden has completed a series of victories in «Super Tuesday» victory in Texas, which is a huge success for a candidate whose campaign was on the verge of collapse less than a week ago. On Tuesday, Biden had some victories, primarily in the South (Virginia, North Carolina and Alabama), where strong support of African American voters and moderates has allowed him to even the score with…

March 4, 2020

Trump denounced Bloomberg for the licking of the fingers of the viral video

In the video, which appeared on Tuesday, former new York mayor Michael Bloomberg breaks the pizza at the launch of his campaign, puts it back in the box and then licks her fingers. Mini Mike, don’t lick your dirty fingers. Both unsanitary and dangerous to others and yourself! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2020 Of course, trump could not pass and repostnul video on Twitter, calling potential…

March 4, 2020

21-year-old native of Sevastopol Alexander Mikula is running for city Council in the United States

Alexander «Alex» Mikula seeks to represent the area of Ward I in the city Council of Rock springs (Wyoming). He said he wants to go into politics and he knows he must start small and move up. Alex is 21 years old, he graduated from high school in 2015 and enrolled in Western Wyoming Community College. «I understand that many think that young people are unable to do anything connected…

March 3, 2020

Democrat Pete Buttidzhich dropped out of the presidential race

Pete Buttidzhich, the youngest presidential candidate, USA, Sunday, March 1, dropped out of the presidential race. 38-year-old Buttidzhich, former mayor of South Bend (Indiana), a veteran of the war in Afghanistan and the first open candidate is gay, had previously won the Caucus (primaries) in Iowa and finished second in new Hampshire, but could not repeat the success in more «diverse» States – such as Nevada and South Carolina. So,…

March 2, 2020

Donald trump said that the coronavirus is the «new hype» Democrats

US President , Donald trump declared that the global outbreak of coronavirus — is a liberal conspiracy designed to undermine his first term of presidency. He accused the press that she’s acting hysterically against the virus, which has now spread to China, Japan, South Korea, Iran, Italy and the United States, and played down the danger of the deadly disease, stating that, according to experts, it is on a par…

February 29, 2020