North Korea has canceled talks with South Korea for exercises with the United States

The Korean people’s Democratic Republic has cancelled high-level talks with South Korea for joint U.S. military exercises. State news Agency KCNA (KCNA) reported that military exercises between the U.S. and South was a «provocation». North Korea warns the United States that the fate of the summit with the participation of Donald trump and Kim Jong-UN is now under threat. A historic meeting to be held on June 12

May 15, 2018

For transferring money to Hezbollah, the United States accused the head of the Central Bank of Iran terrorism

The administration of President Donald trump called the head of the Central Bank of Iran a terrorist and said that it would impose sanctions against it. According to experts, this is another step in the isolation of this middle East state of the world financial system. The U.S. Treasury Department (U.S. Department of the Treasury) accused the head of the Central Bank of Iran Valiullov Safe in facilitating the transfer…

May 15, 2018

In response to the sanctions Russia may ban the import of American fries

Russian deputies adopted a bill to impose sanctions against the United States and several other countries that would infringe on the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, its security, and also contribute to economic instability in the country. According to the adopted in the 1st reading the bill (91% of MPs voted for the counter), the decision on the introduction of retaliatory measures imposed on President Vladimir Putin. Russian lawmakers…

May 15, 2018

Died writer and Creator of «new journalism» of Tom Wolfe

Tom Wolfe, the famous American journalist and the author of several bestsellers, has died at the age of 88. Information about the death of Wolfe in the hospital Manhattan confirmed his agent Lynn Nesbit. According to preliminary information, the writer died of pneumonia. Tom Wolfe called the most famous journalist of America and one of the best selling writers in the United States, the owner of 8 different literary awards…

May 15, 2018

In the state of new York today announced the threat of tornadoes

Severe weather today, may 15, come to the North-East USA. Under forecasts of weather forecasters, from Massachusetts to Virginia are expected squally wind (up to 60 miles — 95.6 km / h), thunderstorms, hail. In addition, there is the threat of an isolated small tornado. Most likely their appearance in the following cities and their surroundings: Scranton (PA); Binghamton (New York); Hartford (CT); Springfield (MA). Big Apple and Boston storm…

May 15, 2018

Thousands of owners of green cards in the U.S. will have to send them back to immigration

From may 14, 2018 Service citizenship and immigration USA (U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services USCIS) will withdraw approximately 8 543 card permanent resident (green card) because of an error in their release. Green card was released with the wrong date and sent by mail from February to April 2018. The opinion applies to cards issued after approval of form I-751 form (for spouses of American citizens). Service citizenship and…

May 15, 2018

Trump will roll the construction of a plant for the recycling of plutonium in the fuel and will spend $19.9 billion on their disposal

Another controversial decision of the White house was recently approved by the U.S. Department of energy (U.S. Department of Energy — DOE) and sent for approval to Congress. The presidential administration has decided to halt the construction of an innovative plant for processing weapons-grade plutonium into fuel that has already spent more than $7.5 billion, proposing instead to allocate nearly $20 billion on the disposal of waste. The project «Mixed…

May 15, 2018

The NYPD uncovered evidence of millions of assets acquired during the confiscation

As a result of concluding a public contract between the public Association Bronx Defenders and police of new York law enforcement agencies released information about unclaimed after the confiscation of the funds. The data relate to the period from July 2016 to June 2017. According to preliminary estimates, it is about $6.3 million. Bronx Defenders, providing legal assistance to new Yorkers, already more than 2 years through the court requires…

May 15, 2018

55-year-old nanny who killed 2 children because «voices in her head», was sentenced to life imprisonment

May 15, 2018

A terrible story, which resulted in the death of two small children from the Upper East side finally ended. 55-year-old Yoselyn Ortega, who worked as a nanny, has appointed a sentence of life imprisonment without right to parole. The tragedy occurred in 2012. Then Ortega, who has worked by the time the Krim family for two years, took 6-year-old Lucy and 2-year-old Leo into the bathroom and inflicted numerous stab…


Nearly 200 of the Chernobyl puppies will find a home in the US (photos)

May 15, 2018

In the United States will take out about 200 homeless puppies from the territory of Chernobyl. This was reported on the site of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (ChNPP). In late April, employees of the Fund net of the future, Chernobyl and the company «NOVARKA» have taken out 12 puppies. The process occurs within the 5-year project , «the Dogs of Chernobyl» for sterilization and vaccination of dogs in the…