After the summit, the US state Department removed the statement, which condemned Russia for the plane crash in the Donbas

July 22, 2018

From 17 July 2014 – the date when the Russian missile shot down the plane Malaysia Airlines over Ukraine, the U.S. state Department annually publish a statement on the anniversary of the tragedy, but… not this time. The next day after 16 July, the President of the United States Donald trump met in Helsinki with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, the state Department has already published a draft statement in…


They can stay alive for 9 out of 11 family members died in a sunken boat

Three generations of the family Colmans from Indianapolis went to the annual family vacation, which for most of them was the last. According to Kyrie, rose, the wife of one of the family members, «they were a very close-knit, loving family». For a few minutes before to get on the ill-fated boat in Branson (Missouri), they did a group photo in which all eleven Tolmasov looked very happy. Retweeted Steve…

July 22, 2018

Russian immigrants, organized in new York, a network of luxury prostitution

July 22, 2018

As reported on Wednesday the Prosecutor’s office in Manhattan, July 11, was arrested three Russians. They are charged with pimping and the organization network of sex work which was created web-site «Russian Dolls«. The defendants — Mr. Bashkatov and wife: a 29-year-old Ksenia Hodukina and 29-year-old Eugene Rozanov. The couple has two children, who at the time of their arrest were visiting my grandparents. Ksenia Hodukina, photo from Facebook As…


U.S. ready to lift sanctions against RUSAL

On Friday Steven Mnuchin, US Treasury Secretary, made a statement saying that the United States is ready to strike the Russian aluminum giant from the list of sanctions, adding that America’s initially purpose was not to “withdraw “RUSAL” out of business”. The company of billionaire Oleg Deripaska together with 8 other Russian companies, in which it acts as a shareholder, came under sanctions in April 2018. This caused chaos in…

July 21, 2018

The white house does not support Putin’s call for a referendum on Donbass

Today, July 20, Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov said that during the talks in Helsinki, Donald trump , and Vladimir Putin discussed the possibility of holding a referendum in the Donbass. The American leader on Twitter also mentioned, though briefly and without specifics, that they with Russian President discussed the Ukrainian situation. The White house quickly reacted to the statement of the Russian diplomat. «The administration [of the…

July 21, 2018

Trump’s lawyer secretly recorded the conversation with him about the payment model Playboy

July 21, 2018

2 months before the election in 2016 Michael D. Cohen secretly recorded the conversation with his client Donald trump. During the meeting, they allegedly discussed payments to the former model of Playboy for her silence about the affair with the candidate. According to sources the New York Times, the audio version of trump and Cohen found FBI agents during a search in the office of a lawyer. The publication does…


In the United States on the lake capsized boat with tourists: 17 dead (video)

The evening of 19 July on the lake in Branson (state of Missouri) capsized and sank tourist boat. Killed at least 13 people, among them children. According to the Sheriff of the County Arc Rayder, several people are still missing. Seven people (4 adults and 3 children) were hospitalized. Two adults remain in critical condition. Another boat with tourists were able to safely approach the shore. A possible cause of…

July 21, 2018

Found in the Creek: the disappearance and brutal murder of 3-year-old Mariah woods

Just this week, police released details of the death of 3-year-old Mariah woods of North Carolina, whose body was found in a Creek in December 2017. According to the coroner, the baby body discovered in plastic trash bags full of stones. The girl had facial injuries, bruising and abrasions, but the cause of death was poisoning by chloroform. Large quantities of the anesthetic may be toxic. «We suspect that the…

July 21, 2018

Don’t forget children in the car! In the US, 4-year-old boy died of hyperthermia, his 2-year-old brother is in the hospital

Yesterday, 19 July, 4-year-old boy died at Yale-New Haven Hospital (Connecticut) as a result of a prolonged stay in a hot car. His 2-year-old brother is still in the hospital about the child’s condition is not known. According to the Fire Department of West haven, the children were found at about 15.00 in a locked car near the apartment complex at 2 Treat Street. As reported by representatives of law…

July 21, 2018

Cristiano Ronaldo was sentenced to 2 years in prison and fined $22 million

One of the most popular footballers of today Cristiano Ronaldo, convicted of tax evasion, has agreed to Supplement the budget of Spain for $22 million (€18.8 million). Last week, the 33-year-old striker of Italian football team Juventus has already made $15.7 million (€13.5 million). Thus, the athlete needs the Spanish Treasury another $6.3 million (€5.3 million). The soccer star was also sentenced to 2 years imprisonment. However in jail he…

July 21, 2018