Jersey city first in the state of new Jersey began the decriminalization of marijuana

19 Jul second populous city of the state of new Jersey began a systematic decriminalization of marijuana. Now in Jersey city most of the actions associated with cannabis will not be considered as criminal offences. For violation of law possession of marijuana municipal chief Prosecutor Jake Hadnt recommends a fine of up to $50 or 5 hours community service. «Arrests for marijuana and prosecution in new Jersey and across the…

July 21, 2018

Americans can legally produce weapons on 3D printers from 1 August

The group advocates for gun ownership reached an agreement with the U.S. government. From 1 August the Americans will be allowed to publish online scheme print weapons on 3D printers. The story began in 2013 when a Cody Wilson, who calls himself «postlevel anarchist», first posted on the network to print a gun on a 3D printer. Sam Wilson called his product «the Liberator», but later these guns were called…

July 21, 2018

The new law will limit the ability of new York’s Airbnb landlords

On Wednesday the city Council voted for a bill that would limit the ability of landlords on such services as Airbnb, with mandatory registration. The bill, which was first proposed in may, is designed to prevent the creation of illegal hotels and fraudulent schemes with online platforms. Once a month, homeowners will be required to provide the city authorities with the lists of addresses, checked their on-line services, information about…

July 21, 2018

The Iowa swept 27 tornado: there are victims, destroyed homes (photo, video)

In Iowa, where usually up to 7 tornadoes per month, for one day yesterday, on July 19, swept about 30 «funnels». Injured, at least 17 people, the tornado overturned cars, destroyed some buildings and left some of the inhabitants of the Central parts of the state are without electricity. The most affected city of Marshalltownand Sang and Bondurant. Fortunately, according to preliminary information, nobody was killed. In the center of…

July 21, 2018

Trump has invited Putin to Washington — Moscow replied: «Maybe»

July 20, 2018

Today, July 20, Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov said that the Kremlin is ready to discuss a possible visit of Vladimir Putin to America. This statement has sounded next day after the unexpected «invitation» about which wrote on Twitter Donald trump. According to the Ambassador, with a new meeting between the leaders of Russia and the United States should not hurry , because for a start it is…


Time magazine joined face trump and Putin in one (photos)

On the cover of Time appeared in provocative photos in which the faces of the presidents of Russia and the U.S. merged into one. Made magazine and the same SFII, where trump «turns» in Putin, and he is back to trump. The author of the «United» photo — artist and designer Nancy Barson. «Photography captures a specific moment in US foreign policy after the recent presidential summit in Helsinki», —…

July 20, 2018

Trump looked forward to the next meeting with Putin

On Thursday Donald trump wrote in his Twitter account that looking forward to a second meeting with Russian President Putin. ….proliferation, cyber attacks, trade, Ukraine, Middle East peace, North Korea and more. There are many answers, some easy and some hard, to these problems…but they can ALL be solved! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 19, 2018 «Meeting with Russia at the highest level would be a huge success, if…

July 20, 2018

In place of the pipe explosion in Manhattan found asbestos | What you need to know the local people

City officials confirmed that at the site of the explosion 86-year-old pipe in the Flatiron District was discovered traces of asbestos. The incident occurred on Fifth Avenue on Thursday, at 6:30, had blocked the area from 19-th to 22-th street and evacuated the 49 buildings. As reported in the press conference, mayor De Blasio, all of them need scrutiny — only then the residents will be able to return home….

July 20, 2018

A teenager on the beach fell 180 kg boulder: the guy lost part of his hands

For 15-year-old walk on the beautiful Emerald Bay beach in Laguna beach (southern California) nearly ended fatally. The incident occurred in the afternoon yesterday, July 18. According to eyewitnesses, the guy was climbing with a friend at the coastal cliffs, when suddenly the top fell off the boulder. 400-pound block (over 180 pounds) grazed the teenager and ripped off his hand piece. After a large boulder fell on top of…

July 20, 2018

In the U.S., the Bank robber used baby as human shield

Law enforcement agencies in Texas was able to prevent a robbery at one of Bank branches Bank of America, located in the city of Murphy. However, before police detained the suspect, they had seriously nervous. The fact is that trying to escape from the scene, the woman used a small child as a human shield. In the afternoon, 36-year-old Evelyn Misumi went to the Bank of America office. In her…

July 20, 2018