Detective sex crimes arrested for raping a 14-year-old girl

Last week, police arrested 45-year-old Neil David Kimball – Deputy Sheriff County of Los Angeles and the investigator from the Department sex-crimes – the rape of a minor, which was linked to one of the investigated cases. On Tuesday, November 20, the Ventura County Prosecutor’s office reported that Kimball was charged with rape by force and preventing testimony through intimidation. According to prosecutors, the alleged assault occurred in November 2017….

November 24, 2018

The shooting at the Mall NJ Black Friday caused chaos

In the midst of Black Friday at the Mall in Elizabeth (NJ) unknown opened fire. The incident injured one person. According to the police Department, a report of a shooting at the Mills at Jersey Gardens appeared around 19:55. The press Secretary of city hall, Kelly Martins said that the incident happened between Tommy Hilfiger stores and Marshalls. Martins also confirmed that during the shooting one person was wounded in…

November 24, 2018

The oldest in new York toy store delights its visitors since 1931

Mary Arnold Toys is the oldest toy store in new York, who works in the Upper East side in 1931. It has always been a wide selection of toys, dolls and many other things have not left any child indifferent. After closing FAO Schwarz (which, incidentally, recently returned), the title of the oldest existing stores rightfully belongs to Mary Arnold Toys. And although the store has changed and the original…

November 24, 2018

Lucky found a safe with $7.5 million in stock, which he bought from a well known auctioneer for $500

About this accident is the dream of every! A man bought a storage locker for $500 and was in her safety Deposit box containing $7.5 million. This was told by Dan Dotson is an auctioneer and presenter of the show «Storage Wars», which, suspecting nothing, was sold to the buyer that the storage chamber, containing a real treasure. In a video on his Twitter page, Dotson explained that the charity…

November 24, 2018

The oldest in new York toy store delights its visitors since 1931

Mary Arnold Toys is the oldest toy store in new York, who works in the Upper East side in 1931. It has always been a wide selection of toys, dolls and many other things have not left any child indifferent. After closing FAO Schwarz (which, incidentally, recently returned), the title of the oldest existing stores rightfully belongs to Mary Arnold Toys. And although the store has changed and the original…

November 24, 2018

In Fox News apologized for the fact that the guest in the air compared Clinton with herpes

Guest, Fox News Anna Paulina went too far during a broadcast on thanksgiving Day, when compared the former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with a sexually transmitted disease. «She’s gone. She’s like herpes,» said Anna Paulina, Director of the nonprofit organization Turning Point USA, known for its conservative statements during the discussion of the scandal connected with the working correspondence Clinton using a personal email. At this point the smile dropped…

November 23, 2018

For the first time in history during the broadcast of the Macy’s parade kissed by two girls

Many LGBT representatives, their defenders and other citizens of the USA called same-sex couples kiss during a live NBC broadcast of the Macy’s parade on thanksgiving Day a historic moment. Yesterday, November 22, at the event, which is watched by millions of people across the country were made by artists from the new Broadway musical «the Prom» (The Prom). From the very beginning of views of the actress Caitlin Kinnunen…

November 23, 2018

21 Rottweiler was in the cold on the night before thanksgiving

Hearing barking, Karen Gren patrolling in the morning, a rocky point (Suffolk County, new York), decided to find out what happened. In the back yard and in the shed near the house belonging to 52-year-old Jose Borges, COP really found two dozen Rottweilers. THANKSGIVING CHILLING DISCOVERY — Police arrest a Rocky Point man after a @SCPDHq officer allegedly found 21 barking dogs outside in the backyard, some in crates in…

November 23, 2018

Lunch thanksgiving Day is cheaper, but Americans spend more

Every year on thanksgiving, Americans eat an average of 46 million turkeys. The traditional festive table every year becomes more and more accessible. Pound Turkey now costs $1,36, which is 3% cheaper than in 2017. This is the end product happy #Thanksgiving2018 — Chris alan young 💥 (@chris_al_young) November 22, 2018 The holiday table is cheaper in all key indices-dishes The traditional menu for thanksgiving in the United States…

November 23, 2018