Costco will pay $19 million for the sale of counterfeit rings «Tiffany»

August 16, 2017

A well-known supermarket chain Costco will pay the company Tiffany not less than $ 19.4 million. after it was found that its stores were sold hundreds of fake rings «from Tiffany’s» worth more than $3 million of Counterfeit rings sold in the supermarket for many years, without the accompanying explanation that they are made is not a world famous jewelry company. Company Costco was found guilty of violations of the…


Three teenagers are accused of trying to climb Tappan Zee Bridge

August 15, 2017

Three teenagers will appear before court after they were caught on video and posted on YouTube recording, which is seen as they try to climb to the top of the new Tappan Zee Bridge. The incident took place in the beginning of July this year, however, the responsibility of young people were involved. Teenagers charged with the Commission of a felony of the third degree. The nine-minute video shows how…


The Supreme court of new Jersey has introduced a new standard for divorced parents

August 11, 2017

This week the Supreme court of new Jersey took the decision to change the 26-year-old judicial precedent having the force for divorced parents, one of which intends to move a child from the state contrary to the objection of the former spouse. If used in considering such cases focused on the issue of whether such a move affect the child, reserving the interest of the child on the back burner,…


Manhattan men’s SPA was a front for the «priests of love»

August 9, 2017

Court in Manhattan heard the case on closing of the SPA-center «W Men Spa», located at 216 W. 30th St. As reported by DNA info, this SPA-salon men provided sexual services. The investigation began in April this year, when the line 911, it was reported that in the SPA-center are engaged in prostitution. According to one of the officers who testified in court on 20 April he came into the…


Official-embezzler profited at the expense of the Los Angeles students

August 9, 2017

The former head of the food service unified school County of Los Angeles David Binkle faces 13 years in prison for the misappropriation of budget funds. Using official position, he used dedicated to feeding students the money for other purposes. 49-year-old official-embezzler appeared before the court in Los Angeles on Tuesday. He was charged on 15 counts, including embezzlement and embezzlement of public funds, falsification of documents and perjury. According…


Against Dunkin ‘Donuts sued over the lack of blueberries in blueberry muffins

August 9, 2017

In relation to Dunkin ‘Donuts was filed on fraud, due to the fact that the famous blueberry muffin purchased in one of the stores in the South Loopdid not contain real blueberries. Bartosz Grabowski bought a cupcake on December 10 at the Dunkin ‘Donuts at 1231 S. Wabash Ave., but the blueberry muffin he found. On 9 July with the participation of Grabowski, in Federal court was filed a group…


App Disney watch your kids

August 8, 2017

The Walt Disney Co. secretly collects personal information about its customers, small and shares it with advertisers without the permission of parents. A similar Federal lawsuit was filed last week in California. Application developers for Disney and three other companies claim that the mobile applications that they are co-created, breaking the law: they gather information about users of the applications via the Internet. Many of these users are under the…


The government can not punish the perpetrator, despite the evidence

August 7, 2017

Illegal immigrant, which several times expelled from the United States, was linked to a series of rapes in the Bronx and Westchester County, but the authorities can’t do anything. The reason — the expiry of the limitation period until there is a result of the DNA of the suspect. Victims may never know the name of the rapist, so how are things at the moment are considered closed. The New…