$1.2 million won in the lottery… again a California resident

July 31, 2017

Surely, such a Sunny state, like California, are lucky more than others. How else to explain that here with an enviable regularity appear «newly-made» millionaires. For example, such as albert Tornetta. A resident of Dublin, California, won in scratch lottery $ 1.2 million «for life». As ABC7 reports, the winning ticket the man got in the bowling Earl Anthony’s Dublin at 6750 Regional Street. Albert goes three times a week…


A man who raped a seven year old girl in her room, was sentenced to 15 years

July 31, 2017

Last week the Supreme court of the County of Richmond, new York, was sentenced to 34-year-old Daniel Nietowho raped 7-year-old girl, made their way into her house at night. A man will spend 15 years in prison. The crime was committed almost two years ago, on 6 August 2015. Around 02:30 Nieto came in through an unlocked back door into someone’s house, which is located in one of the city…


The number of visa applications for victims of crime in new York has increased significantly

July 31, 2017

According to the statements of the police Department of new York significantly increased the number of illegal immigrants who are trying to get a special visa for victims of crime. According to statistics, in 2011, these applicants visa was 87, by 2016 the number of applications for U-visa has increased to 713. A little-known Federal program, approved almost 20 years ago, allows undocumented immigrants to obtain a visa if they…


In Alabama, 12 prisoners escaped from jail, one still at large

July 31, 2017

Police in Alabama are still searching for an inmate who was among 12 who escaped from the jail in Jasper, Walker County on Sunday. Police managed to catch eleven others and bring them into custody. Details about the escape of prisoners a little bit. Chief Deputy district chief Walker Deyron bridges told the website Al.com that the investigation continues. «The police have mobilized additional forces to help the district with…


De Blasio responded to a remark about trump’s «useless mayor»

July 31, 2017

During their Saturday performances on long island (new York), devoted to the fight against street gang MS-13, the President of the United States Donald trump talked about «worthless mayor», which does not allow the police to do their job. «I have met excellent police officers who do not give to do their job, because their mayor is pathetic and does not know what happens,» said trump. Most people believe that…


J Ouvert parade is postponed to the day time

July 31, 2017

According to the organizers of the parade, this year in Crown Heights night Caribbean festival J Ouvert will be held in the morning. 3 years in a row labor Day was marred by the fatal incidents, including the murder of a Deputy Governor Andrew Cuomo Cary GABA in 2015. So the parade moved from 4 to 6 o’clock in the morning. According to police Commissioner James O’neill: «This is the…


The MTA said whether the entire underground closed for the night

July 30, 2017

Residents and visitors of new York need to be prepared for still more frequent closure of certain stations at night. There will be repaired the way. About it today on the radio 970 AM said MTA Chairman Joe Lhota.«There will be more closures, residents will have to get used to it. Only in this case we can focus on one station, to fix it, and then move to another,» said…


Grocery stores switched to men

July 30, 2017

Now men more often than women go to the supermarket. According to the survey, Men’s Health, 84 percent of men are major purchasers of grocery stores, which is 19 percent more than 10 years ago. As stated by the journal publisher Chris Peel: «the results of the study challenge the gender stereotypes that are associated with shopping and cooking. Now the purchase of food and cooking is a prerogative of…


Chicago — baby boom 9 months after the victory baseball club

July 30, 2017

2 Nov 2016 baseball club Chicago Cubs won the World series for the first time since 1908 (!). Many fans were convinced the team since 1945, operated a so-called «curse of the goat». The fact that in that year, the owner of the tavern «Goat», William Sianis, came to one of the games the cubs with his goat Murphy. From the animal came the unpleasant smell, and disgruntled fans demanded…