Florida residents are allowed to argue with the textbooks

August 1, 2017

Recently public organization Florida Citizens’ Alliance drew public attention to the books used in Florida schools. Members of the organization examined 60 school textbooks and found that they are full of political propaganda, the imposition of religious belief, the disputed historical facts, and generally distort the values and principles of today’s youth. Therefore, activists have created a bill that would allow parents and any other residents of the state to…


Scientists threaten humanity with extinction … again

August 1, 2017

An international group of scientists analyzed data of 43 000 men of several dozen industrialized countries and discovered that sperm count dropped by more than half for almost four decades. Shanna Swan, a reproductive epidemiologist at the medical school of new York hospital Mount Sinai, which helped conduct the study published in the journal Human Reproduction Update, says that such results are a reason to think about the future. What’s…


A child who lost a month of both parents, got 6 thousand rainbows from around the world

July 31, 2017

A resident of the state of new York, nine-year-old Robbie Akter, who was diagnosed with autismin may of this year lost mother. She died of severe diseases such as cystic fibrosis. To help the child cope with the loss, Robbie’s dad told him that mother «left on the rainbow bridge». The thing is, the day of his mother’s death over the school, Robbie was a big double rainbowand one of…


Died legendary actress Jean Moreau

July 31, 2017

Died today, the French actress Jeanne Moreau, sweet fatal beauty of black-and-white movies about love, whose seventy-year career was filled with awards and recognition included work with some of the most famous Directors in the world. At the time of death she was 89 years old. The office of the President of France announced the death of a celebrity, without saying a word about her cause. Assistant her agent confirmed…


Google has become a million more queries about suicide after the series from Netflix

July 31, 2017

After the first season of «13 reasons why» from Netflix in Google has dramatically increased the number of requests associated with suicides. This is according to a study in JAMA Internal Medicine. So, the search queries of suicide was approximately 900 million — 1.5 million more than before the show.«The more often one sees examples of suicide, the greater the likelihood that he will act», — told Reuters the study’s…


August in Los Angeles: events calendar

July 31, 2017

How quickly time flies – already tomorrow we will welcome the guests Mr. August, the last of the carefree summer months. However, this is not a reason to get upset and stop the fun. The play «night Curious incident of the dog» source: Ahmanson Theatre Where: Ahmanson Theatre, 601 W Temple StWhen: Wednesday, August 2 – Sunday, September 10 Ahmanson Theatre is closing its theatre season is quite an interesting…


The New York Post called young Putin as a hipster (photo)

July 31, 2017

Edition of the New York Post has published about 20 pictures of Russian President Vladimir Putin in adolescence and youth. According to journalists of the newspaper, «before his rise to power, before becoming one of the most infamous world leaders, Vladimir Putin was a cheerful, dressed like a hipster, loving young man». New York Post — one of the largest American Newspapers. Founded in 1801. Edition — 501 copies on…


4-year-old child was killed by a gun he found in his house

July 31, 2017

Sunday, July 30, a four year old Ashton Gooding found at home firearms, which, presumably, shot himself. It happened around 17:45 local time in the city of Tampa, state of Florida. Arrived on the scene, the police found that the boy was seriously injured. He was taken to the hospital but he soon died from his injuries. Now law enforcement officials are investigating and trying to determine whether the incident…


Parishioner «excommunicated» because she decided to marry a woman

July 31, 2017

In Chicago , dozens of LGBT activists gathered to protest because of an incident with one of the parishioners Apostolic Church of God in South Side. According to CBS 2, one of the parishioners decided to marry a woman, then pastor of the Church said during the sermon that it can no longer be a member. «We spoke with her earlier last week, and I explained the Church’s position against…