Dog from -9 To found the missing woman thanks to the jar with her scent

July 29, 2017

Missing Florida woman suffering from dementia (more commonly known as dementia or senility), it was found on Tuesday after police officers and their four-legged companion from division K-9 out on the trail using a jar of smell, which she did almost three years ago. The County Sherrif’s office Citrus reported that they have started looking older women, after police received reports of her missing: the patient the old woman was…


In schools of Florida abolished the homework, replacing them with reading

July 28, 2017

In Marion County, FL, students from the next academic year will have much more free time. There are implementing the project «ban homework», reports USA Today. The head of the school district Heidi Mayer said that they decided to try school without homework for the thirty-one elementary schools because studies show that students do better when given a break from homework. «This research Professor the University of Tennessee Richard Allington,…


In the subway of new York was a mysterious green substance

July 28, 2017

This morning at the station 34th Street-Herald Square was discovered a puddle of green slime. However, MTA urged residents not to worry because the mucus is absolutely harmless. «Green is dye that was poured into the water supply in the area, to discover where the water flows,» — said the representative of the MTA Gothamist, Amanda Kwan. «Not every day on your local station, you receive a puddle of incomprehensible…


102-year-old American became the oldest skydiver in the world

July 28, 2017

102-year-old resident of Union Township, new Jersey, Kenny Meyer Jul 27, set a new world record by becoming the oldest parachutist in history. Early Thursday morning, Meyer and about 25 members of his family went to Skydive Sussex to do something unusual and amazing. This jump was the first of Meyer. He said that he always wanted to jump with a parachute, but he could not realize his dream. However,…


New York will allocate $5 million for the reconstruction of the Tennis House

July 28, 2017

Located near Long Meadow, the historic building was designed by the same firm that built the famous boat station Prospect Park, but eventually fell into disrepair and was closed to the public during the last decade. «The building, a favorite of many, is in need of serious repair,» explains Christian Zimmerman, Vice President of wealth management and landscape to Prospect Park Alliance. «We wish it was re-opened to the public….


Water from the tap in new York city found dangerous chemicals

July 28, 2017

The new Yorkers have always been proud of the quality of the water which flowed from the taps in their homes. However, according to a recent study, in fact, the situation with water is not so happy. Earlier this week, the nonprofit organization Environmental Working Group (EWG) has published detailed information about toxic chemicalsthat are present in drinking water systems across the country. Data obtained from the Department of health…


In new York can rename dozens of subway stations

July 28, 2017

Dozens of subway stations in new York can be renamed in honor of corporate sponsorswho will invest in their development and reconstruction. How AMNY reports, this offer is one of the points of the new program, Governor Andrew Cuomo regarding the MTA. According to Cuomo, depending on the size and workload of the station, enterprises and public organizations of new York may annually contribute up to 600 thousand dollars in…


15 beaches in new Jersey reopened

July 28, 2017

15 beaches in the state of new Jersey that were previously closed due to the active growth of the bacteria in the water, yesterday have reopened. Researchers from the State Department of environmental protection found high levels of bacteria in the water of the seven beaches in Atlantic city and other beaches in the state, and on 26 July they were closed. However, yesterday they again become available for use….


The U.S. Congress approved the allocation of $1.6 billion for the construction of a wall with Mexico

July 28, 2017

The house of representatives approved a bill on national security, providing $ 1.6 billion for the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico. This decision was supported by 235 lawmakers 192 opposed. «We fully satisfy the request of the President of the United States to build a wall on the southern border,» — said the speaker of the house of representatives Paul Ryan. As you know, erecting a…


The Florida woman is divorcing her husband because of trump

July 28, 2017

A former cheerleader for Miami Dolphins, and now the owner of his own PR company Lynne Aronberg said that divorcing her husband, including due to the fact that she supports the President trump. 36-year-old Lynn two years ago, the married 46-year-old district attorney Palm Beach Dave Aronberg. In a statement Lynn says that «she is a staunch Republican and supporter of President Donald trump», and her husband – a staunch…