Cruise ship passenger murdered his wife because she… laughed at him

July 28, 2017

On Tuesday, July 25, on a cruise ship Emerald Princess, which departed on a seven-day cruise from Seattle, Washington, to surf in Alaska with 3,400 passengers and 1,100 crew members on Board, there was a murder. One of the guests, namely 39-year-old Kenneth Manzanares, have experienced extreme rage when his wife Christy started to laugh at him, and couldn’t stop. Posted by Kristy Manzanares, Realtor on Friday, March 14, 2014…


The policeman bought diapers for the baby, whose mother tried to steal them

July 28, 2017

For attempt of theft in a supermarket the poor woman received instead of punishing a small but very appropriate financial support. Making a purchase, a resident of Laurel, Maryland, to spend on products and realized that she had no money for diapers for the baby. Poverty forced women to take a desperate step to steal the missing subject of child hygiene. However, it failed, the guards caught the woman with…


Mysterious death: a million won the lottery, died of cyanide

July 28, 2017

46-year-old Uruj Khan could not believe his luck when in 2012 he bought two lottery tickets at the store in Chicago, and one of them was winning. Witnesses said that the man jumped up and shouted: «one Million! I won a million»! Khan said that he would be able to invest in your business — a network of dry cleaners. Unfortunately, this story started happily, the ending was tragic, but…


The most expensive beach of USA is located in new York

July 28, 2017

Living in new York has always been expensive. From it can not escape this scourge of big cities. Residents of the Big Apple are already used to paying fabulous sums for housing and transport, and now the wave of rise in prices more and covers the city beaches. Resource made a list,


In San Francisco will appear floating fire station

July 28, 2017

According to Curbed, the San Francisco plan to build a floating fire station that will be able to provide rapid response for fire alarms on coast. The platform will contain a few jet skis and motor boats that will deliver the firefighters to the required places in minutes. Presentation of the new station was made by the public works Department in June. Two-story fire station will be located on the…


The MTA plans to raise fares in the subway

July 28, 2017

On Tuesday, the Chairman of the MTA, Joe Lhota, told the public about addressing the issues with metro, which all have long been waiting for. It describes strategies aimed at improving the functioning of the metro, for example, the introduction of «stand-up» cars. If this remains unanswered one very important question: who is going to pay for all this? Governor Andrew Cuomo and Lhota called on mayor bill de Blasio…


New York will provide $750 million for the reconstruction of the reservoir in the Catskill Mountains

July 28, 2017

Centenary reservoir in the mountains of Catskill, which is 40% provides new York with drinking water, will receive from the city $750 million for the modernization of the dam, dams, bridges and buildings. Reported by the Daily News. Askance reservoir is an important element overgrown, but the aging system, which supplies water to 8.5 million residents of the city and another million residents of the suburbs in the North. Vincent…


American scientists altered the genome of a human embryo

July 27, 2017

For the first time in the United States, the scientists were able to fix the genes of a human embryo, thus committing a revolutionary breakthrough. In the future doctors will be able to deliver the children inheriting diseases. According to MIT Technology Review, the experiment took place solely for the purpose of advancing science — the embryos are allowed to develop over several days, and they are never intended for…


Police took birth from women in the subway

July 27, 2017

At 10 PM police noticed waiting on the subway platform a pregnant woman who was ready to give birth. They realized that the matter can not wait, so I brought it to the office of the police Transit 30 at the bus stop Hoyt-Schermerhorn, where he helped Elson baby to be born. As reported by NYpost, the clip, which was posted on Twitter, featuring a smiling police officers and a…


On times square were supporters of the transgender in the us army

July 27, 2017

Last night, July 26, at times square gathered more than a thousand people who do not agree with the decision of Donald trump banning transgender people to serve in the U.S. Armed forces . We will remind, on Wednesday, the President decided to publish in his Twitter statement that “the United States government will not allow or will not allow transgender people in any capacity, to serve in the Armed…