A man had recently drowned son, saved the life of a drowning woman

July 27, 2017

Brett Capelli, of Westchester, new York, lost his son a month ago, but was able to save the life of an elderly woman who was drowning in the pond. 87-year-oldHolocaust survivor, Lola Margulies, as usual, fed the ducks in the pond, when she flew to the wild geese, too, wanted treats. «They moved so quickly, I tried to Dodge, but lost his balance and fell into the water,» he told…


Delta denies that landed the Russian «occupation of Crimea»

July 27, 2017

American airlines Delta Air Lines said that the incident with the Russian passenger on the flight Seattle — Atlanta was not because of the accusations of men in the occupation of the Crimea. Russian citizen Sergey Eremin previously said in social networks about the fact that he dropped out of a plane because his neighbor «didn’t like the fact that I had a Russian passport, and on his shoulders was…


Inmate who escaped from prison Rikers again got for a lattice

July 27, 2017

Yesterday, July 26, officers on the island, Rikers island has missed one of the prisoners when they were returned to their cells after a night out in the open air. His theft was discovered around 19:30. Within seven hours , the police conducted a search around the island, but that day to find the fugitive and failed. The correctional staff, there were even fears that he could leave the land….


The winners of the New York Lottery was divided between $16.2 million

July 27, 2017

A couple from Suffolk County, a Cuban who immigrated to the U.S. 21 years ago, school a firefighter and a police officer from new York — winners New York Lottery, divided between a total of $ 16.2 million prize pool. The participants played different lottery: Wonka Gold Ticket, Mega Million, 2500 a week for life and New York Lotto. The award ceremony was solemn. To the applause of the thousand…


FBI celebrates his 109th birthday: a story about the birthday boy

July 27, 2017

Exactly 109 years ago, July 26, 1908, in the structure of the Ministry of justice was created by the Bureau of investigation. History The FBI came during the presidency of Roosevelt Teared on the initiative of Charles Joseph Bonaparte. The Agency was investigating the most important criminal cases were outside the competence of the police. Interestingly, the current name of the Office received only in 1935. Before that at different…


The girl gave herself and her son for cancer patients for profit

July 27, 2017

28-year-old Melissa Barton of Belleville, Il, was sentenced to 18 months in prison because she raised money herself and her son, saying that they have cancer. Melissa said that she has breast cancer, and her son — an acute form of leukemia. The girl made a video and posted it on the Internet. In it, she called «for the love of God» to help her and her son. It is…


Cuomo declares war on anyone who texts behind the wheel

July 27, 2017

On Wednesday Governor Cuomo announced that he demanded from the Committee on road safety to consider the technology called «textalyzer«, which would be able to determine whether the used driver phone behind the wheel of a car that was involved in a serious accident. «Despite laws prohibiting cell phone use while driving, some motorists are still texting while driving, thus putting themselves and other people at risk, said Cuomo in…


In new York began dismantling the Kosciuszko Bridge

July 27, 2017

It’s not every day you can see the amazing spectacle of the bridge, floating down the river on a barge. The first stage of the dismantling of the bridge Kosciuszko Bridge began today, two weeks later than the originally scheduled date of July 11. From about 10 a.m. to noon, workers used cables to lower the Central part of the bridge is 91 meters long, 27 meters wide and 15…


In new York arrested more than 100 illegal immigrants

July 27, 2017

According to PIX11, the immigration officers in new York arrested more than 100 undocumented immigrants during recent operations. The 11-day RAID, which ended Saturday, focused on new York and the adjoining counties. Most of the 114 illegal immigrants were arrested outside of the Big Apple. About 70% of those arrested had a criminal past, including accusations of sexual crimes, crimes associated with drugs and fraud. «Our nation has a proud…