TOP 5 best U.S. cities for retirees

July 18, 2018

After living in a large bustling metropolis know what to spend there old age – not the best idea, especially as there are cities, as if specially created in order to comfortably enjoy a well-deserved retirement. Analytical center U.S. News compared the 100 largest cities in the U.S. to choose a place where seniors will feel most comfortable spending your old age. Among the most important criteria included housing affordability,…


Balloon «Baby trump» to tour America

Activists from California, Texas, Louisiana, North Carolina and Utah are eager to participate in the all-American tour «Baby trump». A balloon with the image of an angry toddler in a diaper trump has become the main symbol of the protests in the UK during a working visit of the us leader to the country. But «life» mini versions of trump may not be over. Activists who do not support the…

July 18, 2018

Maria Butina, accused of espionage, tried to hold in 2016 a secret meeting trump and Putin

Maria Butina, which this week charged with trying to create a line of «reverse channel» with American politicians, wanted to organize a secret meeting Donald trump and Vladimir Putin during the presidential campaign in 2016. According to court documents, at the request of a senior official from Russia, Butina is the National rifle Association and religious organizations to make the position of the Republican party more Pro-Russian. While the presidents…

July 18, 2018

Chicago residents can receive $500 for program UBI

Member of the city of Chicago Ameya Pavard submitted a bill on monthly payment of $500 more than 1 thousand families. This initiative was supported by a majority of the members of the city Council. The case for small — to agree on the terms and conditions of payments with mayor Rahm Emanuel, writes FoxNews. Pavard said that today, many American families do not have the opportunity to make savings…

July 18, 2018

The NRA will no longer inform tax on their benefactors

Now the national rifle Association of the USA (National Rifle Association of America — NRA) and several other non-profit organizations are not required to provide the Tax Internal Revenue service ( IRS) information about persons who donate them money. The U.S. Treasury Department made this decision for several reasons. First, beneficiaries of public organisations want their personal information kept confidential. Because many of these structures are inherently political. Accordingly faces,…

July 18, 2018

4-year-old Shamir Lopez became the 5th child in the family who died in a fire in new Jersey

A fire broke out on Friday morning, July 13, at Union city (new Jersey). The fire quickly spread through three-storey home, taking the lives of three boys – 2-year-old Jason Gonzalez, 7-year-old Christian Such Mendes and 13-year-old Jose Felipe Tejada – and 5-year-old girl, Miley wood. All three boys were brothers, and Miley is their cousin. They all moved with his family from Honduras a few years ago. But 3…

July 18, 2018

Ohio 6-month-old girl choked to death in car from heat

The tragedy happened on 15 June in the city of Medina, 48 kilometres from Cleveland (Ohio). Six-month-old girl died after spending locked in the car 2.5 hours. In that day in the city was 40-degree heat. Police found the child in the car, standing in Ray Mellert Park. Unconscious child was taken to hospital, however to rescue to its doctors could not. The police Department Medina, together with the coroner…

July 18, 2018

The Houston rapist has violated his PAROLE and was again in jail

Today, July 17, in a car chase was caught a serial killer and rapist Jose Gilberto Rodriguez, the suspect in the Commission of new crimes. 42-year-old Rodriguez was released on PAROLE in September 2017, the last time it was noted by the police in December. A few days ago a man was removed from a device of surveillance that had to wear on parole. During this time in Houston (Harris…

July 18, 2018

In the US a group of talented thieves stealing luxury car straight from the dealer showrooms

July 18, 2018

Law enforcement the Westchester County (NY) exposed a group of professional thieves expensive cars. Attackers for nearly a year terrorized the local dealers, committing during this time, 7 theft. In each case they used fake documents, which lulls the vigilance of the employees of the dealerships. When people realized what had happened, the abductors usually were already very far away. Police believe the leader of the hijackers