The USA is going to ban you rent accommodation to irregular migrants

Town in Eastern Nebraska is going to prohibit yourself from rental housing to people living in the country illegally. The bill city Council Scribner already adopted in the first reading last month, will now have a new vote. If it succeeds, this summer, the law will come into force. According to the mayor, Ken Thomas, the public supports the bill. «There was not one person who would come up to…

July 19, 2018

The question of California division 3 state will not be on the ballot in the fall voting

The Supreme court threw the sentence about the voting on the division 3 California state. Thus, during the November election ballot will not be the issue. According to the jury, the proposal was not sufficient justification. The court asked Alex Padilla, Secretary of state, and Tim Draper, of the capitalist from Silicon valley who initiated the proposal, to explain why their idea is not to block. This must be done…

July 19, 2018

12 suspects in the murder of a teenager, hacked with machetes, appeared before the court

Today, July 18, the hearing of the death of 15-year-old , Lesandro Guzman-Feliz nicknamed Junior. The brutal murder of a defenseless teenager who is hearing probably every other new Yorker. The community is shocked by the death of Junior, and many concerned demand that the culprit got what he deserved, spreading the boy’s story with the hashtag #JusticeForJunior. Today, all 12 alleged members of the gang the Trinitarios appeared in…

July 19, 2018

Lyft driver was a serial rapist illegal

July 19, 2018

Official representatives of the transport company Lyft said that their assistants are conducting an investigation against one of the drivers, 36-year-old Orlando Vilchez Lazo. Law enforcement San Francisco (California) man accused in 4 rapes and illegally crossing the U.S. border. Now his employers are trying to figure out how an illegal alien has passed a test of their security. Vilchez Lazo was arrested last week after police got evidence of…


During yesterday’s rains in new York city was flooded 7 metro stations

Heavy rains in new York have created difficulties for the movement of not only the city, but also underneath. Flooded was 7 subway stations. However, the trains never stopped. Most of the bad weather went to the stations: Dekalb Avenue L stop in Brooklyn, 59th Street station in Midtown, 1 train stop in Manhattan 6 Longwood Avenue stop in the Bronx. Stairways and platforms was a real waterfall. Passengers had…

July 19, 2018

Schwarzenegger: trump next to Putin was like a «wet noodle»

Former Governor of California and the immortal Hollywood star Arnold Schwarzenegger posted a video on Twitter, dedicated yesterday’s «shame» press conference of the presidents of the United States and Russia. «President Donald trump, remember, America first» — signed Schwarzenegger his appeal, noting on it the American leader. «You stood there like a little wet noodle, like a little boy-fan — says, «iron Arnie» in the video. — I was wondering…

July 18, 2018

«The betrayal», «cowardice», «a disgrace» that the U.S. policy after the meeting, trump and Putin

President Donald trump was met by a barrage of criticism from both Democrats and Republicans after a joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the summit in Helsinki. Details about the press conference – click here. So, Senator John McCain called the speech of the trump «one of the most shameful among all American presidents.» «The summit in General was a tragic mistake. A press conference was pathetic…

July 18, 2018

Trump claims that he misspoke about Russian intervention

The US President Donald trump said that he meant quite the opposite when he said during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putinthat Russia had not intervened in the American elections in 2016. Today, July 17, the White house told reporters that he meant that he does not understand why Russia «will not» be held responsible for hacker attacks and other actions that were carried out during the presidential race….

July 18, 2018

TOP 5 best U.S. cities for retirees

July 18, 2018

After living in a large bustling metropolis know what to spend there old age – not the best idea, especially as there are cities, as if specially created in order to comfortably enjoy a well-deserved retirement. Analytical center U.S. News compared the 100 largest cities in the U.S. to choose a place where seniors will feel most comfortable spending your old age. Among the most important criteria included housing affordability,…