As in a nightmare: the Python crawled out of the toilet and bit the man

May 29, 2019

In large cities, such as, for example, new York city, there are urban legends about alligators that once dwelt in the sewers and now can bite humans for a soft place when he is least expecting. However, such a «horror story», though not an alligator, and a serpent, has become a reality for 52-year-old resident of Florida. Last Sunday at the coral springs 4-foot snake (1.2 m) slipped out of…


A mother, whose daughter was raped and murdered 52 years ago, looking for a kidney donor to survive the murderer of her child

May 29, 2019

A mother who suffers from severe kidney disease, «will fight to the end» to see for yourself: the murderer’s daughter will never be released. Theodore Williams was convicted of murdering 7-year-old Sony in 1967 year. Being in custody, the man said that this was not his first crime. Most of my life Theodore Glenn Williams, who is now 80 years old, held in a psychiatric hospital in Michigan. He…


Seaman was imprisoned for 8 years for the murder of his wife, who disappeared at sea during their honeymoon

May 29, 2019

42-year-old Lewis Bennett from Florida, whose wife disappeared during their honeymoon, sentenced to eight years in prison for «intentional sinking of the yacht». Bennett and 41-year-old Isabella Hellman were married three months when he went on a honeymoon in may 2017. According to the man, the last time he saw his wife on deck at the helm of the boat before you go down to the cabin to sleep. Lewis…


11 years girl from Cleveland snatched a 6-year-old brother from the hands of the kidnapper

Girl 11 years old from Cleveland named this character after it responded immediately to the situation when a stranger tried to abduct her 6-year-old brother. On Thursday evening, Julian and Hayden Moore played in the front yard of her home when they were approached by an unknown man. Later, Juliana told WJW, «He started to talk to us, but we honestly couldn’t understand what he says. It was some kind…

May 28, 2019

The staff of the supermarket found in one of the trucks the big snake. To remove the reptile called «snake Charmer»

No wonder they say that everything was bigger in Texas. This expression is perfect to the fauna of the state. It was a lesson that one employee of Walmart has learned from his own experience when he discovered a large snake inside of shopping carts. On Saturday, the employee of the supermarket chain Walmart collecting carts at Cross Roads, when one of them came across a large rat snake. He…

May 28, 2019

The young singer taped all of the belt, when, instead of children’s lullabies performed the Imperial March from Star wars (video)

When group performance is not your way, sometimes you need to intervene to silence all opponents for the belt. And this young singer was not going to let anyone stop him from doing what he conceived during a family talent show. Performance of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star three cousins and sister from Buffalo, Wyoming in front of their relatives was in full swing when the frontman decided to turn classic…

May 28, 2019

Jewish schoolchildren rescued a drowning man stuffed on the arm of a swastika

In Massachusetts recently , the Jewish Teens saved the life of the man whose hand was a tattoo with a swastika. This story was told to a police officer Boston College Carl Masciolithat in that late night was on patrol. According to him, he was driving along the Chestnut Hill reservoir, when his car ran over a group of teenagers. As it turned out, it was the students from the…

May 28, 2019

In the video, the passenger beat the driver of a new York taxi, demanding to go faster in the hospital

On Thursday in Queens Lyft passenger beat the driver after he demanded to go to the hospital. The driver tried to explain to the angry man without a shirt that quickly fail due to congestion, but this only further infuriated the latter and he attacked Eduardo Madedo with his fists. Heading to Mount Sinai Hospital a couple — a man and a woman got into a taxi to the victim…

May 28, 2019

Family trip to Niagara falls ended in tragedy: a car accident killed 2 women and 4-year-old child

Sunday, may 26, about 6:30 a.m. in the Sheldon (new York) there was a terrible accident, which killed a small child and two women. According to the Wyoming County Sheriff Gregory Rudolph, killed 4-year-old girl, another 4 children received injuries of varying severity and were taken to a nearby hospital. Reportedly, a family from new Jersey, 4 adults and 5 children aged 4 to 14 years, went to Niagara falls…

May 28, 2019