In new York, father burned alive in the car for your 3-year-old daughter

On Friday, may 17, the new York city police said that arrested Martin Pereira from valley stream (long island) on charges of murdering his 3-year-old daughter Zoe Pereira: girl burned alive in the car. In addition, the man was charged with arson and criminal indifference and inaction. 5 may at about 21:00 911 in Queens was reported burning on Baisley Boulevard and 155th Street car Audi A6. When the police…

May 18, 2019

In the trash found a live kitten, which «bricked» in spray foam and threw

May 18, 2019

This kitten may be a few weeks, but he has already spent one of his seven lives. May 3 near Hillsboro (Oregon), workers garbage was emptied the tank, but suddenly noticed that some content left inside. Looking, he saw the kitten hanging upside down, his face was completely covered with spray foam. «The driver knew that the cat was still alive because he heard him meow,» reads the statement of…


School cafeteria employee was fired after she free fed a hungry child

The kindness of the employee cafeteria in new Hampshire could lead to her dismissal. Bonnie Kimball was dismissed on March 28, his employer, the company Cafe Services, who supply food to school Mascoma Valley Regional High School in Canaan. The woman worked at the school for 5 years, but fired her the next day after she fed the child, who was not paid for the lunch. In the work women…

May 17, 2019

In the United States caught a four-foot monitor lizard, which «hunted» more than a year (photos)

May 17, 2019

Residents of Florida, perhaps mentally prepared to everything: storms, hurricanes, a possible encounter with an alligator… But the meeting «face to face» with the Asian striped lizard came to be certainly not to the liking of even the most courageous inhabitants of the sunshine state. And it was this lizard running around the territory of the Florida Keys more than a year while it tried unsuccessfully to catch power. Recently…


Teenagers shot and killed a classmate while trying to Rob $25

Four teenagers accused of conspiracy and murder for robbery 18-year-old classmate. Demario Mitchell, 16; Kenneth Gallegos, 17; Julian Serrano, age 17; and Dominic Steiger, 17, charged in the death of Lloyd Chavez IV may 8 in centennial, Colorado. Lloyd Chavez was about to finish high school Cherokee Trail. The guy played Rugby, and from time to time sold through Snapchat something on the little things. In the ill-fated day he…

May 17, 2019

In California, the F-16 fighter crashed and crashed into a warehouse. The time of the crash was caught on video

Thursday multifunctional lightweight fighter F-16 crashed near the air force base March Air Force Reserve Base in southern California. The plane crashed into a warehouse situated right next to the runway. Officer of public relations Perry Covington said that the building caught fire, but the fire prevented the fire system. Covington added that the pilot managed to eject and now he’s fine. BREAKING:F-16 reportedly crashes into a commercial building near…

May 17, 2019

In new York a couple of sadists was beaten to death two helpless puppies and their third pet was on the verge of death

May 17, 2019

Beloved from long island promised the home to three adorable puppies, but instead gave them hell. 29-year-old Ellie the Knoller company of Mineola was charged with ill-treatment, and in three cases of torture and maiming of animals. His fiancée, 30-year-old Jessica Kunsmanaccused in the fact that it is inactive for 15 hours, ignoring the suffering of the survivors of a dog named Bella, before taking her to the vet. Ellie…


A serial killer from Texas is suspected of involvement in a thousand mysterious deaths of older people

May 17, 2019

The former nurse, who is in the Dallas County jail for an attempt on the life of one woman and killing another, is now accused of killing 11 women in the districts of Dallas and Collins. He is suspected of involvement in a 1000 unexplained deaths of elderly people. Almost all the victims were elderly women, often from nursing homes. The attacker posed as a nurse, but actually not licensed…


The vigilance of the little girl prevented a woman to kidnap 4-year-old child from McDonald’s (video)

Vision girl, who was sitting near the scene played out scenes, helped prevent the tragedy, when a stranger tried to kidnap a child from a McDonald’s in Los Angeles. Boy 4 years old was in the restaurant of the fast food chain when his family did the ordering. Suddenly approached the woman, took the child in his arms and quickly headed for the exit. Little girl sitting at the next…

May 17, 2019

«I wanted to blow up your own car»: a resident of Tennessee, was shocked when found in his car 30 thousand bees

Bees are an important part of the ecosystem. They are the main pollinators of plants. But not call them as welcome guests when a swarm of bees lands on your car. That’s what happened with a resident of the County of Sevi, tn Jennifer king, when she went to downtown Knoxville. King works as a Manager at the Melting Pot. During her shift on Tuesday approached her friend. The girl…

May 17, 2019